Chapter 13

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Harli's POV

When I got back home, Harry texted me to make sure I arrived safely and then the next morning because he thought he saw Tyler Seguin. I told him he was tripping, but on the off chance he wasn't to slip him my number.

Then he asked for a picture of Ty so Taylor could see him, and while I didn't really care for her, Ty was too perfect not to be bragged about. Harry asked for potty training updates daily too. We never talked on the phone, but there was a pretty constant stream of communication.

Scooter had been meeting at my house to start working out album details and it had been a relaxing few days at home. Jess had called my mom while I was out of the country and told her that she was coming home. I immediately offered up my house for her to stay while she visited. It would be good to have my old friend around.

Things didn't really go downhill until she arrived, though Jess had nothing to do with it.

Harry's POV

Harli's texts were the only thing that was providing some source of happiness. Taylor was trying, I could tell, but it wasn't working. My mentions online were full of hate and spite. New Years Eve was a disaster, obviously a round of shots was a bad idea, but at the time I was already a little tipsy.

Taylor was not helping matters at all by buying me mixed drinks. Robin always warned me not to mix alcohols especially if I wasn't the one making the drink. Who'd have thought adults know what they're talking about.

Based on pictures, it seemed like Harli and the boys had a good time, even though Tyler Seguin didn't magically appear in London for her. She told me it was the middle of hockey season and she didn't want him to see her drunk anyway.

The Tyler Seguin jokes were probably getting old, but she just made it so easy. Another thing she made easy was small talk. We didn't know each other very well, but our conversations never felt forced. They flowed well, especially when she got on the subject of something she was excited about. Recently it was her friend Jess coming to visit.

I was scrolling through some of the hate when her tweet caught my eye.


It amazes me that people can pass judgment on someone that they don't know. It's like you all live in a fantasy world where celebrities are perfect people.

It felt like she was sticking up for me, and part of me wanted to ask, but she didn't mention it first. Not to be petty, but Taylor hadn't stuck up for me like that and she was actually there. In fact, I hadn't seen her in a few days. Suddenly I got another text, and it gave me the motivation to finally get off twitter.

From Harli:

Hey you know what would be so dope?

To Harli:


From Harli:

A National Treasure marathon

To Harli:

Any particular reason that came to mind?

From Harli:

For some reason, watching Night at the Museum makes me think of National Treasure

I chuckled and suddenly, for the first time in a few days, I was actually hungry. Since I was in a hotel, there was no way for me to cook, so I climbed out of bed and got dressed. The headband Harli gave me was sitting on the nightstand, so I put it on instead of fixing my hair.

There was a McDonald's down the street, and while it wasn't my favorite, I didn't feel like googling anything else. It was fairly empty, so I ordered quickly, planning to get out of there as soon as possible. My stomach growled at the smell, and I didn't hear the girl approach me.

"Are you going to talk to me or ignore me?"

I started and looked down at her, "Hi, are you a fan."

My smile seemed to do nothing as she rolled her eyes and glared at me, "I was until New Years Eve when I tried to talk to you and your guards pushed me down." She rolled up her jeans and I saw a couple of bruises. I didn't really see how it was my fault, but I didn't want to offend her further.

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you fame has changed you and being with Harli is the only way to change back."

I don't know if it was the lack of food or the frustration from seeing all the hate, but I finally snapped back, "Look, I don't need a twelve-year-old giving me dating advice, and I don't honestly see how being with someone would change anything. I'm a big boy and Harli isn't as perfect as you think she is! She used to be a bully and a bitch, so before you tell me how imperfect I am and how perfect she is, consider that you might not know her at all."

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. The whole restaurant had gone silent and the girl had tears in her eyes, "I'm sixteen and people change, you should know, you have."

Instantly my day had gone from improved to worse than usual. I just wanted to go bury myself in bed and not face the world for another month. Before the food came out, I left, appetite gone. Harli was going to be so disappointed.

Harli's POV

Jess was the first to see the video, and then my brothers soon after. It stung sure, but I've seen the pressure he's been under. Anyone would snap, and honestly, I was surprised he'd even left his room. Even though he had insulted me, I could only feel sympathy for him.

"Jess, I'm not too upset, respond to my brothers for me and tell them to chill. I'm going to go get dressed so we can go get lunch."

She laughed and took my phone, "Will do, and hurry up because I'm starving."

"Okay pushy, beauty takes time."

I brushed my teeth and threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie before washing my face. Jess came and stood in the bathroom door as I finished with a small smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?"

She stepped closer and I stared at both of us together in the mirror, "Look at us, trying to adult."

I laughed, "The key word in there is trying."

"Do you ever miss high school?"

"I miss you, not necessarily high school."

She ran a hand through my hair, smoothing it down, "Yeah I miss you too. We should actually try to keep in touch rather than just lie to each other."

I held my pinky out, "Swear on it?"

"Swear," she linked our fingers and we shook for a few seconds before stepping away, "how about that lunch, yeah?"


I drove us to a hipster coffee shop where they served little pastries and sandwiches. Based on Jess' Instagram, she seemed into this sort of stuff, and my assumption seemed accurate when her eyes lit up.

"Har, this place is so cute, I love it."

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and smiled, "I thought you would like it."

She wrapped her arm around my waist and squeezed before stepping away and leading me to the counter, "This is going to be the best trip ever."

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