Chapter 30

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Y/n's POV

My phone lits up. I see its a text from Matt. I look up to see Mr.Johnson teaching the lesson. Me and Matt always text in his class, even though Matt is right across the room. We sometimes make silly faces at each other.

Y/n: "My nose piercing itches."

Matt: "Well scratch it dummy."

Y/n: "I can't scratch it, it will hurt dummy."

I put my phone down for the time being and look front. "Okay, so now we will take a test based on what I just went over and from the lessons in the past classes." Johnson passes the papers to the students. I take one and feel my phone vibrate. My eyes roam around to see Johnson sitting by his desk. I look at my screen.

Matt: "Babeeeeee what's the answer to the first question?"

I roll my eyes. Typical Matt.

Y/n: "Hold up."

I look at my paper and write my name. The first question. "In a sulture, the bones of the skull are held together by:.." I furrow my eyebrows. I wasnt paying attention to what Mr.Johnson was teaching when I was texting Matt. Ughhh.

Y/n: "Matt I don't know this, I wasn't paying attention to Johnson."

Matt: "Wow you dummy."

He wrote. I look at him and he does a double chin. I laugh as I roll my eyes to the middle and lick my nose. He starts cracking up silently and I couldn't help but giggle.

My phone vibrates.

Matt: "Sometimes I think I'm a bad influence for you."

Y/n: "Nah, I like the bad boy type of you just as much as the innocent type."

Matt: "I see."

I look up and Matt wiggles his eyebrows at me.

Y/n: "You're a dork."

Matt: "And you have a big butt, but that doesn't matter right now, does it?"

I chuckle at his randomness.

Y/n: "Your butt is bigger babe."

Matt: "I know, I know."


"So you like the bad boy side of me?" Matt smirks. We walk on the sidewalk towards home. "I don't know, maybe I do." I say. Matt steps infront of me and puts me over his shoulder. "Matt, put me down." I laugh as I punch his back. "No can do babe." I felt uncomfortable having my butt out in the open, considering I had leggings.

"Matt, please put me down." I say in a serious tone. He puts me down and frowns. "I have leggings on, sorry." "Yeah good idea, I don't want nowhone else looking at your butt. Its for my eyes only." He acts mad. I chuckle.

Matt unlocks the door and lets us in. We sit our bookbags down and head to the kitchen. "How was school?" Matts mom smiles. "The usual. It was boring." Matt shrugs. I throw a water bottle at him. I grab an apple from the bowl on the counter when it suddenly hit me. We have suspension. Matt has to tell his mom.

I put the apple down. As Matt opens his water bottle, I drag him aside. "Matt we have to tell your mom about the suspension." I whisper. "Shit." He grunts. He presses his lips together and finally gets the courage to do so. "Um, mom?" Matt asks, looking at me. "Yes Matt?" She takes a quick glimpse at him. "Me and Y/n got suspension today." He scratches the back of his neck.

"You what? Why on earth did you get suspended? Dont even answer that, go up to your room. You're grounded for three days." She points. "Bu-" Matt reasons. "Go!" She exclaims.

Matt storms upstairs and I hear the door slam shut. "Y/n, I know I have no right to be telling you what to do, but you're grounded too. Its for your own good. Go to the guest room, please." She says, more calmly. I nod and head upstairs to the guest room. I frown slightly at the thought that I have to spend the day here alone.

I plop down on the bed and it slowly sunk down. It was really comfortable. It felt relieving knowing that Matts mom treated me as my own mom, but at the same time, this was no surprise to me. My moms punishments were worse. As I try looking for a pair of headphones, my phone vibrates. I unlock it and look at the message.

Matt: "I miss you."

Y/n: "I miss you moreee."

Matt: "I want to kiss you."

Y/n: "Come kiss me then."

Matt: "I wish, my mom will catch me if I do."

I thought , maybe if I go really quick she wont catch us. I open the door softly, and take a glimpse downstairs. She was chopping some vegatables and was looking at the small screen by the kitchen. I jog towards Matts room and knock lightly. He opens the door and his eyes widen. He pulls me inside and whispers, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Scolding me almost.

"I missed you." I said and kiss him. He didnt react at first by surprise but then kissed back. Our lips molded together. I slightly part them, taking his lips again. His hands roam my back as I cup his face. He slowly walks front, making my back press the wall.

"We saw each other like about five minutes ago." He pulls away. He lightly chuckles. "I don't care." I giggle. I stare at his lips. I connect our lips again and lick his bottom lip. He follows and wraps my legs around his waist. He cups my butt supporting me up. He lowly hums as I tug on his hair. I then hear footsteps going up the stairs. I panic and pull away. Matt let's go of me, letting me know he heard it too.

"Uh.." I scan around the room and go in his bathroom. I close the door and sigh. "Sorry for yelling at you honey, just don't get into anymore trouble. This is your senior year and you best put a lot of effort into it." "I will mom. I promise." I hear him say.

It was silent so I took the opportunity to open the door. "Y/n?" Matt's mom asks. "What are you doing?" She raises an eyebrow. I freeze and look at Matt to help me. "She uh, she was getting her pads. Yeah, pads. You know, I don't want her staining the guest room bed. Ew." He makes a disgusted face. Nice one. I roll my eyes at Matt's statement. I nod and show an embarrassed smile.

"Okay then, do you need anything Y/n? A hot towel, ..? She suggested. "I'm okay, Anne. Thank you." I smiled. "Okay, dinners ready in about 10." She closed the door and I sighed. "Pads? Really?" He shrugs and laughs. "I didn't have anything else in mind." I laugh. "I'll see you at dinner." I smirk and kiss his cheek. "Why the cheek?" He exclaims as I head towards the door. "Bye Espinosa." I say and go towards the guest room.

Okay so I didn't update yesterday but I might update later on today. No promisessss. I love you guys :*

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