Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I make my way downstairs when i see Matt watching TV. Spongebob was on the screen & he seems very concentrated. He was shirtless & had sweatpants on revieling his slightly visible v-line & abs. He looked so attractive. I caught myself staring at him, so i walked up to him. "Hey Matt." I said with a slight smile.

He swings his head towards me & wraps his arms around me.I was hugging his bare chest. He was so warm. "Goodmorning beautiful. How are you feeling?" He asked pulling apart with his hands still in my back.
His morning voice was so raspy and deep. It was really sexy to be honest.
"I'm still very hurt. Matt I have bruises all over my stomach." I said frowning.
He hugged me again, a bit tighter this time.

"I know love. Sorry but yesterday I had to change you and clean your wounds. Your clothes were all ripped & dirty. I hope you dont mind." I found it pretty awkward but im glad he took care of me. "I dont mind, Matt. I'm just glad you came." At this point we both let go of the hug slowly & looked at each others eyes. He had such dreamy eyes. Matt puts his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed his thumb on it. "I'll always be here for you y/n." he cooed.

He made me feel so relaxed. I could be myself around him. He took his hand off my cheek & placed his hands gently on both sides of my waist trying carefully not to hurt me. He got closer to me. I could feel his minty breath on my lips. He slowly started leaning in & before he could put his lips on mine i grabbed his face lightly with both of my hands.

Our lips touched & I felt the butterflies again. It felt like the best thing ive ever felt. I felt like there were sparks all around us. We let go, only a few inches away from each other. He pulled me closer. He parted his lips & leaned in again as did I. He made me feel a way that nowhone else has ever made me felt. As we kissed i moved my hand to the back of his neck, gently running my hand through his hair.

After about 20 seconds we let go out of breath. He still had his hands around my waist and my hands rested on his chest. "I'm looking forward to that date tonight." Matt stated. It gave me a bit of confidence. "Me too Matt." I smiled. We let go of each other & walked to the kitchen. " You hungry?" Matt asks. "Yeah." I calmy said. I was starving. "How bout some Mac & Cheese?" "That'd be great. Thanks Machew." I thanked him. He smiled and got out a Mac & cheese packet.

Me on the other hand, made my way to the couch & turned on the TV. Scrolling through the channels I see that they only give little kids shows early in the morning so I turned off the tv and fiddled with my fingers thinking about our date.


"Y/n, I have a surprised for you." Matt said excited looking like a little kid. "What is it?" I laughed. He covered my eyes & directed me where to go. .I started laughing. "Matttttttt." I groaned. "Patience little y/n." He added . After I open the door I hear Matt closing it behind me. He takes his hand off my eyes. "Alright open your eyes." I open my eyes and what I saw shocked me. It was a red dress and a pair of nude heels accompanied with a pair of earings.

"Matt.. Oh my god. I-i love it." I said as I sit on the bed & examine the dress. "I'm really glad you like it. I thought red would look best on you." I get up & walk towards the mirror putting the dress over my body to have an idea of what it will look like. "Matt I love it. Thank you so much." I say putting the dress down & engulfing him in a hug.

"Your welcome love." He said. I felt myself smiling again. We pulled apart and he headed to the door. "I suggest you get ready, we'll be leaving in about an hour or two." He said adding a wink at the end. He closed the door & i started blushing. I went to the bathroom & took a good hot shower. After maybe 30 minutes i went back to matt's room with my robe. "Woah there pretty lady."

I turned around & Matt was picking out his clothes. I panic & turn around. But then i slowly turned around remembering I had my robe on. "Sorry I was just about to leave." Matt chuckled. He walked out the door not taking his eyes off of me. Second time this happens

I take the dress out of the closet & take out the heels & earings. I walked over & took out all of my makeup supplies out. I went back to the bathroom & connected my curling iron. I brushed my hair out and put it half up half down, leaving my bangs sided.

I started curling the tips of my hair and after about 25 minutes i was done. I walk back to the room and take the dress off the hanger. I step into the dress and pull it up. I tried zipping the dress up in the back but i was having trouble so I decided to call Matt. "Matttt." I yelled loud enough for him to hear. Seconds later he enters the room in only a towel around his waist. There were bits of water drops around his shoulders & he had his hair all messy & wet. It was really cute.

"Yeah?" He asked. "Can you zip up my dress?" I said chuckling a bit. "Sure." He said lowly, walking over to me. He pushed my hair to the side making me get shivers down my spine. He zipped up my dress and walked out the room. "Thank you." I said before he could leave."Anytime." He replied with a smile. He is so cute. I go over to the long mirror & look at myself I loved the way I looked. I love this dress. I turn around see if everything looks alright. I swing the hem of the dress around acting girly.

I giggled & went to the bathroom. I started doing my makeup. I apply foundation making my bruise seem not so dark. I did a smokey eyeshadow makeup, not too rough, with white and black combining, making the black fade by the ends into a cat eye. I apply mascara and eyeliner in the top and bottom. I put on a mint lip balm & head out the bathroom into Matt's room.

I put on my heels & add some perfume on. I went to the mirror to have one last look. I for once thought I looked amazing. I pick up the mess i made in Matt's room & make my way outside Matt's room.

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