Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

It was a Tuesday morning & i had just woken up. I rub my eyes regaining my vision a bit. I groan as I got out of bed & headed downstairs. I open the cabinet taking out a box of corn flakes. I make my way towards the fridge & get out a gallon of milk, pouring some in a big, round cup. I then added the corn flakes in & began eating.

It was so quiet, I could hear the birds chirping. "My mom is probably at work." I thought to myself. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I finish & put my cup in the sink. I head upstairs and go in the bathroom. I look at my reflection. I looked horrifying. I staye there just looking at myself for a moment. I mentally point out every flaw I found and picked on my face. I sigh and grab my toothbrush & brushed my teeth.

I washed my face & went to my room. I headed to my closet & took out a black, high waisted skirt, which is just above my knee, a light red, long sleeve shirt, & white converse. I change into my clothes & go back to the bathroom. I brush my hair out & fix it into a high poytail. leaving my bangs sided. I put on the smallest amount of foundation under my eyes & on my nose.

I don't like my freckles so I often cover them up. I put on mascara & a little bit of eyeliner on the bottom. I find myself looking at the mirror again. "You'll always look ugly." I thought. I grab my bookbag & hurridly walk downstairs & out the door , locking it before heading out.


It was such a chilly morning, no cloud to be seen in the sky. I walk to the bus stop & wait for my bus like I always do. It usually takes a couple of minutes so I sat there & just looked at the sky & how peaceful it suddenly felt. The light amount of wind moving my bangs. It was really relaxing. I could stay out here for hours and not have a single worry pass my mind.

I was too caught up in my thoughts when I heard the busdriver honk. "Great", I mumbled to myself. I walk inside the bus & my ears instantly filled with chatter. I make my way to the back of the bus, getting some stares as I walk through. I hear people whispering & giggling behind me. "What is she wearing?" I overhear. I ignore it & make my way to the seat.

I put on my headphones & blast music. After a couple of minutes, the bus came to a rough stop. I get up & wait for everyone to go first, knowing that if I went ahead, they'd try and trip me. I step out of the bus and walk towards the door. "I should go back home." I thought to myself. I noticed that I think too much to myself so I let it go & kept walking. Right when I laid my foot inside school grounds , I immediatly felt stares.

I walked along the hallway , feeling very awkward and insecure. People walked by me calling me names. "Ew." "Bitch." "Skank." "Why are you here?" I hurried up a bit when I spot someone in the corner of your eye. A boy standing beside the office door waiting for someone to attend him. He looked astonishly cute. He had this light quiff in his hair & I thought it was adorable. He suddenly turned around, making eye contact with me. He noticed that I was staring & lightly smiled. I quickly looked away & kept walking.

Just as I was about to go into homeroom, I feel someone shove my shoulder. I being startled, look up & see it was Luis surrounded by his "people". He was one of the many students that bullied me. I see him turn his head back, looking directly at me. "Slut." He said not too loud, knowing teachers were around but loud enough for me & his friends to hear. I hear him & others laugh in the distance as I look down & walk inside class. "This is going to be a long day."

I dont know if I'm doing okay or not. Can you guys let me know? What I should do and what I shouldn't be doing. Writing this is honestly fun to me & I want to try my best. But thank you guys for reading. I really appreciate it.

Ordinary Girl ; me auWhere stories live. Discover now