Chapter 10

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Two days later.. (Friday)

Y/n's POV

I get woken up by thunder. I prop myself on my shoulders & rub my eyes to make sure of my surroundings. I get up & drag myself to the kitchen. I make myself some pancakes & eat with a glass of water next to my plate. Not too long after, I hear something. I froze. I looked around & there was nothing there. I thought maybe it was my imagination. I took another spoonful when I hear footsteps getting closer. I see someone walk in the dining room.

"Mom?" I asked dumbfounded.
"Who are y-you? Oh uh, hi s-sweetie." She said holding herself up on the kitchen counter. Was she drunk? She was so clumsy. She walked slowly towards me with her arms open. I hugged her back lightly. I felt uncomfortable.

"Uh hi mom. What are you doing here?" I continued. " Aren't you supposed to come back in two days?" I finished. The look on her face made me worried. She was staring at me. It felt very awkward considering she was drunk. " Why do you care?! Do you not want me here, is that it?!" She yelled, catching her breath. I was terrified. She started walking towards me.

"N-no i-i just di-." She raises her hand up & places it on my cheek making my face swing sideways. My cheek was burning in irritation. I touched my cheek and squealed in pain. I was afraid of what else she was capable of doing to me. I start tearing up as I look up. Her arm raised again & I found the opportunity to escape & took it. I scooted beside her & ran upstairs. I go in my room & lock the door.

"Y/n get back here!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs.I tried getting ready as fast as I could knowing she would take time trying to go upstairs on her own. I was frightened to death . She isn't herself when she is drunk. I quickly brushed my teeth & put on a pair of jeans with the hoodie Matt gave me & a pair of black vans.

I fix my hair in a bun. Not too messy & not to good. I put on mascara with light eyeliner & grab my bookbag. "Y/n open this door right now!" My moms demands while pounding on my door. I grab my phone & open up my window. I climb through & take off to school.


I missed my bus. I walk to school, constantly watching my back, worried she might come back for me. As I walked inside the school building , the usual, I got stares. But I didn't care at this point. I wanted to find Matt. I needed someone. Someone to cheer me up & the only person who could put a smile on my face was Matt.

Matt was nowhere to be found and I got more dissapointed every minute that he wasn't here . I decided to text him before I go to homeroom.

Y/n: "Matt where are you?"

I hit send. I start walking around trying to find a sight of Matt when my phone rings.

Matt: "Y/n, I didn't go to school today. I felt sick. :( Sorry."

Great.. I have the whole day by my own with nobody but my bullies.

Y/n: "It's alright Matty, I hope you feel better. Want me to come over after school?"

I really wanted Matt here. I felt lonely without him. As I wait for Matt's response, someone pushes me against the locker. "Loser." She tells me as she take my books & throws them across the hallway. I scoff getting up & grab my books from the ground, sighing at this everyday torture. My phone rings.

Matt: "That would be nice y/n. I'll see you soon."

I head to class prepared for yet another day in this hell hole.


The bell rang for release. I wanted to get out of here. I ran out the door and made my way outside. I wasn't going in the bus. I didn't want to be picked on. I start walking over to Matt's house. I felt cold. I felt like someone was watching me. I was terrified. I felt a presence in back of me, so I started walking at a rapid pace. I looked at the ground & saw a shadow walking behind me when suddenly someone puts their hands around my mouth and neck.

I try getting out of their grip but its no use. I try screaming for dear life. Nothing but mumbling came out my mouth. I was petrified of what this person would do to me. They drag me to an ally and throw me on the ground like as if I was a crash dummy. "Hey babe." A familiar voice said. I look up and got chills down my spine. It was Luis. And he was alone.

He grabs my chin & puts me close to his face. "Listen. This isn't going to take long. Do as I say & nowhone gets hurt. Understand princess?" He whispers. I gulp loudly. I start getting anxious. He lifted me up & grabbed my waist roughly.

He started kissing my neck forcefully and moved one of his hands up my shirt, below my ribcage. "St-top. Get off m-me!" I said trying to get off his tight grip. He moved his hand inside my shirt and onto my back. I was crying at the thought that he would do such a thing. I tried to kick and get off his grip when I hear my phone ring. Oh no. Matt must be waiting for me.

Luis started unbuttoning his pants with one hand and held my cheek with the other. "Someone hel-." Luis shut me up by kissing my mouth aggressively & pinning my wrists down. I struggled trying to move my face away when I finally got the chance to kick his package. He fell, his back hitting the wall.

He gave me a look which terrified me. He was furious. "You little bitch." He mumbled. He grabbed my foot & I tripped on the floor. I look up and get greeted with Luis' knuckles. He kept punching me over & over again. He then got up and kicked my ribcage. I squeal in pain as he kicks me for the sixth time already. Then I see Luis fall to the ground.

"Get the fuck off of her!" I hear someone yell. My vision started getting blurry & I was breathing heavily. I look to my right and see a blurry image of Matt beating up Luis. He then gets up and kneels down next to me, grabbing the back of head & putting my body on top of his feet. I felt my eyes steadily shutting.

"Y/n. Keep your eyes open please." I hear Matt say. It felt like he was a mile away from me. Every word he said sounded farther & echoed lightly. Until everything faded into black.

1 hour later

I slowly flutter my eyes open. I feel very dizzy. I scringe my nose and close my eyes a bit to try to see where i am. i was pretty comfortable when I noticed I was in.. Matts bed. His room smelled like his musky scent & so did his bed. I groan trying to get up . It was a struggle considering my body hurt all over. I finally stood on my feet & noticed I was in some of Matts clothes. They were really comfortable. Did he change my clothes?

I walked into the bathroom in his room. I look in the mirror & was about to tear up at the sight. Both sides of my face were bruised up. One more bruised that the other. I noticed a small cut on top of my eyebrow. I touched it gently & hissed in pain. I tenderly lifted the hem of my large shirt & saw discoloration in both sides of my waist.

My mouth was in an o shape as i looked at my ribs. My ribs were extremely sore & it had a stain of purple & blue on it. I rub my ribs slowly trying not to hurt myself. I was crushed inside. My wrists were red all around from how tight Luis was holding me down.

I look at the mirror still holding my shirt up & look at all my damage. I start crying. Tears slowly falling down. I didn't want Matt to see me like this, so i wiped my tears away. I decided to put on some of Matts mouthwash since he didnt have an extra toothbrush. I turned the doorknob & went downstairs slowly.

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