One Unexpected Phone Call...

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I dropped her hand.  "Wha-what?"  My eyes began to sting as Harry clenched onto my waist. "You were supposed to take care of him!" I spat out. 

"It happened two days ago, he's in the hospital, his cancer-"

"He doesn't have cancer?"  It wasn't supposed to come out as a question, but my shaky voice gave that impression.  

My dad never mentioned cancer, what was this crazy psycho talking about?

She sighed and nodded her head.  "He didn't want you to worry, he's had it for about 6 months now."  Tears began to drip down my cheek as she continued, "He had liver cancer, it- it spread to his lounges." 

I felt Harry squirm next to me, reminding me that he had been there the whole time.  I looked up at him, hoping that this was some sick joke that they were both playing on me, but nothing.  He looked down at me, his eyes flickering and examining my whole face.  "Sherri, I'm so sorry-" 

"What hospital." I demanded, turning my attention back towards her.

"Bowyer Hospital, right next to the mall." 

I sprinted into the house, grabbing my dad's keys from its hook and headed towards his range rover.

"SHERRI!"  Harry yelled, darting towards the car.  He pulled the drivers side door open and grabbed onto my wrists.  "Let me drive there-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!" I shouted at him, wanting him to leave me alone and get out of my way.

"You can tell me."  He answered calmly, motioning me out of the car.  I sighed and jumped into the passenger seat, hot tears taking over my face.  "It's going to be okay, beautiful-"

"START THE CAR!"  I growled, not wanting anything to do with his comforting. 

He slightly jumped in his seat, taking orders and started up the car.  He pulled out of my driveway as I caught glimpse of Miss. Jones with identical tears like mine.  

I didn't mean to freak out on her, but she was supposed to be there for my dad.  She was supposed to take care of him.  As though he were reading my mind, Harry spoke out.

"It's not her fault, love." 

I shot daggers at him, pissed that he would ever take her side over mine.  "She should've called me, Harry." 

"She didn't want to worry you-"

"He's my dad!"  I said between gritted teeth.  I looked out the window, not liking the speed we were going.  "Go faster." 

He made a right turn and sighed.  "I'm going the speed limit."

"The speed limit is too slow, go faster!"  

I could tell he was trying to be patient with me by the way he gripped onto the steering wheel tightly.  I looked up to see that the light was in the mist of being orange, and I pointed towards the traffic light.  "Hurry!" 

He didn't quicken his speed, the light turned green as he brought the car to a complete stop.  

My fists clenched to my sides, I lost it.  Flailing my arms like a mad man and kicking the glove compartment I screamed.  "YOU COULD'VE MADE IT!  WE NEED TO SEE MY DAD!" My sobs became louder as I felt Harry trying to grab onto my hands.  

"Love! Sherr- Sherri!"  He grabbed onto both of my wrists and pulled me into him.  He wrapped his arms around me tightly as I screamed into his shirt.  "Sh, everything is going to be okay."

My fingers clenched tightly onto his v-neck  as my sobs became louder.

The familiar feeling of loosing someone I loved swept over my body as I remembered the exact day we found out my mom had been hit my a drunk driver.

The Rule (A One Direction Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें