That kiss had powers...

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"Harry!  Harry!"  I followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen.  "Stop walking away and talk to me!" 

He turned towards me, his eyes filled with anger.  "So you'll break the rule for Niall but not me!" 

"Sh!  Harry, please be quiet!  Liam will hear you!"  My heart started pounding against my chest, forgetting that Liam was still in the flat. 

Harry laughed and rolled his eyes.  "You don't think he's not going to hear about you?"

"Harry I'm sorry!  It just happened!"  I felt my eyes beginning to sting and I quickly bit my lip, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape.

"Sherri?  Is everything okay?"  I heard Liam yell from upstairs and my heart skipped a beat. 

I turned to Harry and whispered.  "Please, don't tell him."

"Sherri?"  I heard Liam coming down the stairs and looked at Harry who was giving me no sign of what he was planning on doing.  "What happened?"  Liam reached my side and flickered his eyes back and forth to Harry and I.  I closed my eyes and waited to hear Harry's voice.

"Nothing, nothing happened."  I opened my eyes to see Harry looking at me.  I gave him a half smile but he didn't accept it.  "I'm going to go see Caroline."  My heart sank and I just watched Harry walk out of the flat.

Liam surprisingly believed what Harry said and walked to the counter.  "Did you have any pizza?"  He took a slice in his hands and took a bite. 

I lied, feeling to sick to eat and nodded my head.  "Yeah, I had a slice.  I'll be in my room if you need me." Without waiting for Liam's reply, I sprinted upstairs and into my room.  I locked my door and pressed my back against it.  Tears escaped my eyes and I slid along the door slowly.  I grabbed my phone from my bed and eagerly texted Harry.

Harry I am so sorry!  I didn't mean to hurt you!

I didn't want him to go and hook up with Caroline, I wanted him to come back home and talk to me.  I remembered his face when he came into the room and my cries got louder.  I quickly covered my mouth and ran into my bathroom and locked the door behind me.  My phone vibrated in my hands and I opened it. 

HarryMakesYourHeartPur: You didn't hurt me.  You just made me realize that you're not worth all of this trouble. 

I looked at my phone screen and threw my phone against the wall, causing the case to break off.  Why was I reacting like this?  I sighed and grabbed my phone and looked at it to see if I had any damage on the actual phone itself, luckily, there was nothing.  I picked up the broken case pieces and threw them into the trash.  I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and rested my hands on the sink.  You just had one of the best kisses of your life, and you're letting Harry fucking Styles ruin it.  I tied my hair into a messy bun and washed my face with warm water.  I redid my makeup so no one would know that I was crying and heard a slight knock on the door.  I opened it to see Niall standing there. 

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