Yum, Are You On The Menu?...

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"HARRY, GO PICK UP SHERRI SO WE CAN GO OUT TO EAT!"  Liam screamed from the bottom of the stairs, causing me to frantically put the finishing touches of my outfit on.

 The boys decided that they wanted to go somewhere fancy all of a sudden.  The boys... in a fancy restaurant...behaving... I'll believe it when I see it.  I looked at myself in the mirror and looked at myself from head to toe.  

My hair was straight, causing it to flow all the way to my mid back.  I had on my pearl necklace that fell right below my collar bone with my matching pearl bracelet.  I wore my tight, black pencil dress with my peach pumps to add some color.  My nails were painted a light cream and my eye makeup was darker, allowing my blue eyes to pop.  I applied my lip gloss across my bottom lip and rubbed them together lightly.  I took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly.  

I don't know why, but I was actually kind of nervous for the boys to see me in this... not because I didn't feel pretty in it, I did, but because they've never seen me, including Liam, so fancy.  I opened my escape window and threw my arm out of it, trying to get a feel on if I needed a sweater or not, and I most certainly didn't.  Who knew London could be so hot?!  

I heard a slight knock on the door and quickly grabbed my phone and wallet.  "Come in."  

The door opened to Harry fixing his Rollo watch on his right wrist.  "Are you ready to-"  He lifted his vision up to where I was and stopped in his tracks.  "Wow.." 

I bit my lip nervously.  "Too much?" 

He just stood there for a moment, his eyes examining my body.  "Um.. no"  he coughed "not at all... you look..."

"HARRY GET HER DOWN HERE!"  Liam's voice intensified, making me laugh.  

I brought my arms out in front of me and smiled.  "You ready, Sir Harry?"  Harry quickly nodded and walked towards me, scooping me up into his arms in the usual bridal style.  He carried me down the stairs and set me down gently onto my feet in front of the door.  The rest of the boys were scrambling to find their fancy shoes.

Not noticing that I was already down here, Liam screamed again.  "HARRY I'M NOT KIDDING IF YOU DONT BRING HER DOWN HERE IN TWO MINUTES I'M GOING TO -" 

"Do what, Liam?"  Harry smirked and Liam quickly jerked his head towards us.  "Oh, you're already down here."  He looked at me and smiled.  "Wow, Sherr Bear, you look, incredible!"  

I turned around slowly and posed.  "Well thank you, cousin."  

"Is everyone down here?  I'm star-"  Niall's eyes met mine and he stopped like Harry had upstairs.  

"Wow..."  Zayn smiled and bit his lip. 

"Damn superwoman, you're flawless."  Louis winked and looked at me from head to toe. 

"Thanks boys!"  I laughed and rocked back and forth on my heels, feeling a bit uncomfortable with all of the stares I was receiving.  "You guys look sexy yourselves!"  They were all wearing nice button down shirts and tight pants, Louis standing out with his suspenders.   

"Enough gauking at Sherri.  Stop drooling and get in the van."  Liam opened the door and motioned the boys to get out of the flat.  

"AYE, AYE CAPTAIN!"  Louis saluted him and the lads followed him out.  

"I CALL SHOTGUN!"  Zayn sprinted towards the van and slammed his hand against the passenger seat door.  

"Sherri's seat."  Liam's words were crisp and informative, causing Zayn to groan.

I pulled Liam aside and looked at him innocently.  "The rule is staying, I don't need to keep sitting in the front.. trust me."  

Liam looked at me for a few moments and then sighed, giving me the satisfaction of winning this challenge.  "Zayn, get in the front."  

The Rule (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now