My song...

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A/N YES I KNOW THIS IS A LONG CHAPTER!  But I couldn't help it!  Enjoy (: 

I woke up the next morning with me sleeping over my covers and Niall sleeping on the floor using a towel for a blanket.  I quietly laughed to myself and headed into my bathroom.  I looked at my reflection in the mirror and a shiver went down my spine.  I looked gross.  My eyes were puffy, my hair was a hot mess, and my makeup was running down my face.  I quickly hopped into the shower and let the hot water pour onto me. 

I liked the shower; it's where I would go when I had a problem or a decision to make.  After washing my hair and scrubbing my body, I got out and wrapped my pink, Victoria Secret towel around myself. I peeked through the door to see Niall still passed out on my floor and tip toed to my dresser drawer.  I took out my matching peach bra and thong, my high wasted white denim shorts and my short cut "Rock Of Ages" grey t-shirt that my dad had bought me last year.  I went back into the bathroom, changed, brushed my teeth, and did my makeup.  I decided to let my hair air dry because I didn't want to wake up Niall with the loud blow dryer. 

"Good morning, Sherri."  I turned to see Niall stretching and looking at me.  He still had his sleepy voice and it made me smile.  I loved a guy's sleepy voice due to the fact that it was insanely hot to listen to.  I know, I know, I'm always horny, but get over it. 

"Good morning.  Was my floor comfortable?"  I sat crises-crossed on the ground beside him and rested my chin on my hands.

He shook his head.  "No, not at all."  He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Aw, I'm sorry!  Why didn't you go into your room in the middle of the night, stupid?"  I nudged his arm playfully and he smirked, shrugging his shoulders. 

"I didn't want to leave you.  You were so upset last night and I just wanted to be here if you needed me."  He looked down to the floor and picked up the towel. 

I smiled.  "That's the sweetest thing, like, ever.  Thank you."  I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush a little.  I pretended not to notice and got up from the ground.  "I'm going to make some breakfast, meet me downstairs after you're done getting ready?"  Niall nodded his head and smiled.

I went into the kitchen to see that no one had woken up yet.  I looked at the clock that read 9:15 am.  I went into the pantry, grabbed some pancake mix and chocolate chips and made breakfast for the boys and I. 

Niall came down just in time and licked his lips.  "You are the greatest."

 I laughed and handed him his big stack of chocolate chip pancakes.  I placed two onto my plate and grabbed the chocolate syrup from the fridge.  I drizzled it all over my pancakes and took a bite. 

"You put more chocolate on your chocolate chip pancakes?"  Niall looked at me and asked.  I didn't answer.  I just handed him the chocolate syrup.  He put some onto his pancakes and took a bite.  He smiled and nodded his head.  "You are a freaking genius." 

"Aw shucks."  I dramatically batted my eyelashes and winked. 

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