My Hero...

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I took a step back, my body feeling as though it were about to give out, and swallowed down hard.  "How did you know where I was, Ty?"  My eyes examined his face, he looked... different.  Tired, as though he hadn't slept for days. 

He took out his phone and smirked.  "Your tweets...I knew you were with the band, obviously, why didn't you tell anyone you were Liam Payne's cousin?"  

I hadn't told anyone that for a few reasons.  One, because then people would just like me so they could be closer to Liam, and two, because I didn't want to be compared to my famous cousin.  "Because."  I mumbled my word and turned my head towards the apartment building's door.  I was so close to getting in there and back to the safety of Paul's home.

"You never answered my calls."  He walked to me.

I took a few more steps back and glared at him.  "Why would I?  You're nothing to me anymore..."  I looked down at my converse, which were untied. 

He sighed.  "RiRi, I told you how sorry I was... it was a huge mistake." 

"I don't want to hear it anymore, Ty, It's been 8 months... I'm over it."  My voice cracked on my last three words and I could feel tears forming over my dark brown eyes.  "Just, go back home." 

He shook his head quickly and grabbed onto my elbows.  "I can't just forget about you!  And I know for a fact you haven't gotten over me!" 

I turned my head away from his, planting my eyes on the van.  "And what makes you so sure?"

He shook me lightly, his voice getting louder.  "Because you fell in love with me!  I was your first..." He let go of my right elbow and brought his index finger under my chin, motioning my eyes towards his.  

I remembered that night so perfectly, as though it were yesterday.  It was our 6-month and he had taken me on a hot air balloon that night.   It was so romantic, being up in the night sky, the stars glisinging, and his arms around me and holding me as though he never wanted to lose me.  He then took me to his parent's lake house and we just lay down on the sand and talked for hours.  And that's where it happened... he took my virginity... and my heart.

"It doesn't matter anymore."  I spat out.  

He grabbed my elbows again, his grip getting tighter.  "It does matter!  I love you, RiRi... take me back." 

A tear fell down my cheek and I tried to wipe it away with my hand but he just pulled my arms down.  "No." 

"TAKE ME BACK!"  He screamed, causing my heart to skip beats.  My knees felt weak and shivers went down my spine.  I was scared. 

I saw headlights come into the driveway but Ty didn't move.  His grip was becoming tighter and I cringed in pain.  "Ow, Ty, stop!  You're hurting me!"  I saw a figure come sprinting towards us and before I knew it, Ty was tackled to the ground.  The figure was on top of him, punching his face so hard that the sound of his fist meeting Ty's face echoed across the woody planes.  Ty managed to shimmy out of his grip and began to fight back. "STOP IT!  BOTH OF YOU!"  I screamed, trying to pull Ty away from the mystery person.  

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"  I turned to Paul whose face was filled with both furry and confusion.  He darted towards the fight and threw Ty off, causing him to hit the ground hard.  Paul grabbed the figure by the collar and sprung him up, revealing his face.  "Harry?"  He asked.  "GET IN THE HOUSE!"  Paul pushed him towards the apartment building.  Harry turned his head towards me and just looked at me.  "NOW!"  Paul screamed.  Harry turned and did as he was told.  

"Who is this?  Your body guard?"  TY got up from the ground and pointed to Paul.  

Paul walked towards the asshole and grabbed him by the back of the shirt.  "Who the fuck is this!"  

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