Challenge Accepted...

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I looked at the clock that read 7:45 pm and decided that I was hungry.  I walked up the stairs and knocked on Liam's door.  "Come in."  I walked in and saw Liam on the phone.  "Danielle, I'll call you back, Sherri's here.  Okay, love you, bye."  I closed the door behind me and sat next to him on his bed.

"I'm hungry, cousin."  I patted my stomach and pouted my lip. 

"Do you want to go out and eat?  Niall's in the mood for Nandos" 

"Of course he is."  I laughed and nodded my head.  "I can go for that." 

Liam grabbed my arm and kissed my forehead.  "Go tell the boys to get ready and we'll leave in about a half hour, okay?"

 I stood up and smiled.  "YAY FOOD!"  Liam laughed and I walked out to the hallway.  I heard voices coming from Zayn's room and popped my head in.  The boys were doing a tiny chat, answering some questions their fans were asking.  They saw me threw the screen on the computer and turned around. 

"SHERR!"  They all screamed in unison. 

"Come here and meet our fans!"  Louis jumped from his seat and brought me over to the screen. 

"No, no it's okay.  I just came in to tell you that we're going to Nandos in a half our because I'm starving." 

Niall's head raised and he punched the air with his fist.  "YAY NANDOS!" 

"We're staying on for just another five minutes, stay."  Zayn smiled at me. 

I sighed and sat down on Zayn's bed, away from the computer camera.  The boys sang for their fans and joked around with them, bringing a smile to my face.  I guess a fan asked about Harry's tweet because Harry turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah, that's Sherri, she's right here."  I looked at him confused.  Niall turned to me as well and motioned me over.

"They want to see you." 

I quickly shook my head and stood up.  "No way, I look like crap!  I have to go change for dinner anyway."  I went to walk out but Zayn ran and swung me over his shoulder like he did before.  "Ugh, no Zayn!" 

He placed me in his seat and whispered in my ear.  "You look beautiful, just say hi."  I groaned and waved to the camera like I was told to. 

The fans went wild with their questions. 

"Are you dating one of the boys?" was the most asked.  The guys kept saying I was dating each one of them and I played along as a joke.  The fans seemed to love all of us joking around and asked for me to be in more of the Q&A videos.  I told them we'd see and waved goodbye.

I looked at the clock that read 8:00 pm.  I had 15 minutes to get ready.  It was a warm night in London, so I decided to wear my light washed jean high-wasted shorts with my peach floral crop top.  I added my silver bangles on my wrists and a pearl choker around my neck that fell just below my collarbone.  I quickly straightened my hair and placed a black headscarf around my head that tied together as a small bow on the side.  I slipped on my white TOMS and sprayed myself with my juicy couture body spray.  I walked out of the room, 5 minutes late and quickly headed down the stairs. 

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