Twitter Is No Place For A Princess..

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Liam dropped me off and the boys went to look for Niall, wanting me to stay at the flat.  I decided to cook dinner tonight due to the fact that we've had take out for the past week.  I looked in the fridge and saw raw chicken cutlets.  I picked up the package and checked if they were still good... you never know with these boys.  After I found out they were still fresh, I took them out and chose to make chicken Parmesan.  I cleaned the cutlets, breaded them, placed the mozzarella cheese and sauce onto them and cooked them in the oven.  I grabbed a box of spaghetti and put it in a huge pot to boil over the stove.  I went into the freezer and pulled out "Instant Garlic Bread" hesitantly.  Instant? 

I remembered my mom making it fresh with me at the restaurant, but I don't remember how to anymore.  I sighed and waited for it to thaw out and placed it into the oven as well.  I placed my hair into a messy bun and ripped off my heels that I had forgotten to take off and pulled the straps of my dress off of my shoulders because they were giving me fabric burn.  I looked like a hot mess... emphasis on the mess. 

"HONEY WE'RE HOME!" I heard Louis scream from the front door while I finally put my finishing touches on the table I had just set.  I smiled at my final product and went into the fridge to get the shredded cheese for the pasta. 

"What did you do!"  Liam smiled and set his coat onto the counter. 

"You cook?"  Harry turned to me in amazement and wiggled his eyebrows.

"A little."  I placed the cheese onto the table and motioned the boys to sit down.  "Take your seats, boys."  They quickly took their seats, and I realized that Niall wasn't there.  "You guys didn't find Niall?" 

Zayn rolled his eyes and pointed his finger up in the air.  "He's upstairs." 

"He was at Nandos, of course."  Liam sighed and grabbed a piece of chicken.

"I'm going to go get him."  I went to walk out of the kitchen but Louis quickly grabbed my wrist. 

"Sorry, Sherr, but you're really the last person he wants to see right now." 

"As am I."  Harry turned towards me and shrugged his shoulders. 

I groaned and plopped down into the seat between Liam and Zayn.  Liam brought me towards him and kissed my forehead.  "Thanks for dinner, Sherr Bear." 

"Yeah thank you so much!"  Zayn, Louis, and Harry said in unison.  I smiled as a response and stabbed my fork into my chicken, pretending it were my heart.

I left a plate for Niall in the fridge, just incase he wanted any, and went into my room.  I hopped into the shower, scrubbing my body roughly, as though I were trying to get all of the hatred I had towards myself off of me, and wrapped myself in my fuzzy blue towel.  I plugged my phone into my speakers and blasted "Call Me Maybe."

Hey I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

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