Hotel Rooms, Crushes, and Cuddling..

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Sliding mine and Nichole's room key into the door lock, the feeling of jet lag struck my body without warning.  Yawning, I opened the door and plopped down onto the bed closest to the door and closed my eyes.  

"OH HELL NO!"  Nichole gushed, causing one of my eyes to snap open.  "We're in New York freaking City for crying out loud!"  She grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the soft comforter.  

"Ugh."  I groaned as I caught my balance, grabbing onto her arm for support.  "I didn't sleep at all on the plane ride here."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest tightly.  "Oh please, Sherr, you're going to let a little bit of jet lag come between girl time?" 

Girl time?  Since when did I ever ask for us two to have girl time?  This girl had to seriously be out of her mind if she actually thought I wanted to hang out with her during the trip.  This was a Niall & Sherri trip.  One where I could rekindle my feelings for him and hopefully get back to the way things were two weeks ago.

"I'm really not feeling that great." I sighed, sitting myself back onto the corner of my bed.  "Why not go hang out with Harry... or something."  I wanted to suck back in the words that had slipped out of my lips, but I couldn't.  I didn't want her to hang out with Harry.   I didnt want her here at all.  But she was, and she was his girlfriend.

She bit her lip slightly as though she her weighing out her options.  With a slight sigh, she finally nodded her head.  "Okay, I'll ask him to do something."  She shoved her hands into her jeans front pockets and headed out of the room and into the security filled halls. 

I set my head down onto the pillow and fluttered my eyes shut slowly.  Right when I was about to go into that whole sleepy trance, I felt my phone vibrate by my side.  "UGH!  CANT ANYONE GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE?!"  I screamed to no one in particular as I snatched my phone angrily.  

LouisTurnsMyCarrotsOn: I need your help baby Payne, PLEASEEEEEEEE!

Louis and I rarely talked ever since he lied to me about what Harry & Nichole sleeping together.  We said our good mornings and goodnights, and I would sometimes cook him food because the boys lack of kitchen knowledge is repulsive, but that's really about it.  But, although I really couldn't trust him that great, I would always be there for my boys.

What's wrong?


"She's gorgeous."  Louis gushed, practically drooling on my shoulder in the lobby.  I was in a kneeling position behind an overly sized plant while Louis was kneeling behind me, whispering compliments about the girl checking in.  Medium brown hair, thin figure, big brown eyes, she was rather pretty! 

My legs began to cramp and I groaned.  "Louis, why do we have to hide again?" 

"Because I don't want her to see me staring at her!"  He whisper yelled.

I rose up from the ground and stretched my legs.  "Come on, let's go talk to her."  He gasped, pulling me down with all of his force.  "OUCH!" 

"Baby Payne!  Look at her!  She's so out of my league.  Do you know how many guys probably go up to her and ask for her number?"  

I looked at him, whose eyes were filled with anger yet sadness.  Louis was a beautiful human being, all of the boys were, and it surprised me that being as famous and perfect as they were, they stlll had those moments of self consciousness and were afraid of rejection.  

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