Sibling Hate & An Amazing Date...

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The whole van ride back to Nichole and Tessi's apartment had to be the longest half hour of my life.  

"And he told me I was beautiful and that we should hang out sometime!"  Nichole gushed, clutching her phone tightly in her hands while waiting for Harry to text her. 

"That's so unfair!  You didn't even like them until tonight!"  Tessi huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.  

"Tessi... they wouldn't go for a twelve year old..."  Nichole laughed. 

"Shut up."

Paul bit his lip, trying to hold in his laughter.  "Style's charm has gotten to her."  He whispered to me.

I groaned quietly and nodded my head.  "Yup."  

I heard a loud screech from the back and quickly wiped my head towards the sisters.  "HE TEXTED ME!!!!!!"

My heart dropped to what felt like my knees and I put on the best fake smile I could possibly do.  "What did he say?"  

Nichole smiled at her phone screen and Tessi rolled her eyes.  "Are you busy tomorrow?  If not, you should come to the flat...I'd love to hang out with you."  Nichole gushed while reading the text.  I turned towards the front again and played with my fingers.  I didn't want Nichole coming to the house tomorrow.  I didn't want to have to watch her and Harry become all mushy.  "I wrote..." she began, "I think I can squeeze you in."

I wrote the exact same thing to Travis last night.  And it sounded stupid coming out of Nichole's mouth.  

"This.Is.So.Unfair!"  Tessi screamed. 

Paul and I both cringed, her high pitched voice echoing through the car.  "We're here."  Paul hopped out of the van and opened their doors.  "it was nice meeting you both."  They both thanked us and walked into their apartment.  Paul came back into the driver's seat and closed the door.  He looked at me and sighed.  "She's not the only one that has been effected with Style's Charm... is she?"  

My eyes widened and my throat suddenly closed up.  First Louis, and now Paul? PAUL out of all people!  "I don't like Harry... if that's what you're implying."  

Paul shrugged his shoulders and turned towards the wheel.  "I'm not implying anything.  I don't know you that well...."  He smirked and buckled up, obviously not buying my words. 

"What makes you think I've fallen for him, Paul?"  My eyes were planted on the glove compartment. 

He started up the car and backed out of the parking lot before answering me.  "I mean, it's clear as day that Harry fancies you... but I don't know where Nichole came from."  I laughed at the confusion that spread across his face.  "But I think you've fallen for him because of the way you looked at him and Nichole when they were getting all close in the dressing room."  

"I was just surprised, that's all.  Harry's not my type." 

He smirked and rolled his eyes.  "Yeah, yeah." 

I pulled out my phone and dangled it in between my thumb and pointer finger.  "Travis actually asked me to hang out tonight, and I said yes... so OBVIOUSLY I'm not into Harry." 

"Blah, blah, blah."  Paul laughed.

I hit his arm playfully and stuck my tongue out at him.  "I'm going to snog the crap out of Travis tonight, just to prove you wrong."  I winked.

Paul shook his head quickly.  "No way, Sherr.  You will do no such thing with a boy you barely know."  

I laughed.  "You sound just like my dad." 

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