Mr. Darcy Makes Quiche

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"That was so cute Licia!" Alyssa says as we all get in the car.

"Um, so it wasn't! There was no class, he just said it. Like who does he think he is saying that to my sister like that" Logan says climbing into the car after Alyssa.

"I agree, what was he thinking?" Liam says starting the car.

"Ok fine," Alyssa says sighing heavily.

"I suppose he should've bribed me with more food so I could pretend to take her shopping. That way he could lay the floor with a trail of flower petals and candles and lead the way by placing things her loves about her on the steps. Then he would tell her that he loves her at the destination" Alyssa says dreamily.

The rest of the drive is quiet.

Sometime later, Liam parks in a lot.

They're at a large park and there was a huge white tent in the middle of the field with fairy lights hanging on the outside and little candles lining the pathway to the opening of the tent. You could already hear the music coming from the tent.

Liam comes around the help Alicia out as Logan does the same for Alyssa.

Well he tried, she just slapped his hand away and stepped out on her own.

"You made it!"

"Oh hey, Renato! How are you?" Alyssa says giving him a quick squeeze before moving out of the way for the boys to do their manly hug, clap, slapping-of-the-back thingy.

The three of them made their way into the tent and everyone quickly disassembled.

Logan moved over to free space on the wall and promptly leaned back, arms crossed, overseeing all the celebrating.

Liam, claimed his seat at our table, while Alyssa made a beeline for the snack table.

Grabbing a big plate, she shoves a bunch of bruschetta onto her plate and quickly spots little meatballs with cute little butterfly toothpicks sticking out.

Plopping one in her mouth - sans toothpick - she leans her hip against the table.

"Delicious" she sighs heavily, closing her eyes and savouring the meatball.

Snapping her eyes open, she places at least 5 more meatballs on her place and continues down the massive table, picking out things as she goes.

She lets out a squeal which only gets lost in the music.

"A chocolate fountain!"

She grabs a bowl and lets a huge amount of chocolate into the bowl, whilst grabbing some strawberries from the big gold-decorated platter beside the fountain with her free hand.

Once she's finished, she may have made a bit of a mess with the chocolate.

She glances around and begins to walk away until she sees - feels actually - Liam's glare on her person. Making eye contact with him, she smiles sheepishly before going back to clean the mess she made.

It may or may not have been just a little mess...


Instead of dancing like everyone else was doing, Stephanys was sitting with his arms crossed in the corner of the room, with a single cup of punch and thankfully not the alcoholic one.

One of the waiters would come every half an hour and refill his cup, ask if he wanted an appetizer, to which he would decline and then leave.

Stephanys felt bad because the waiter - Daniel - wasn't even working yet but he just wasn't hungry. He'd most likely give him a really good tip when the night was over

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