Attack of the Lyrics

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"Hola, Cómo estás?"

"She said Konnichiwa"

"Oh my gosh, I haven't heard that song in forever!"

"Well, you're welcome for reminding you"

"How gracious of you. Anyways, I just called to say-

"I love youuuuu"

"What is going on?"

"What do you mean, what?"

"You are-

"My fire, my one desire, believe when I say, I want it that way. Tell me why-

"Stephanys! Be serious! Stop-

"In the name of love"



"Are you done?"

"Done what?"


"I wasn't singing"

"You were lyric-talking"

"Lyric-talking? Is that a thing?"

"You're asking me? I didn't even do it!"

"Well, what was it you called for? Other than to talk about lyric-talking...which isn't a thing you know"

"I- You..."

"Did you just growl?"


"Woah, scary"

"...I called to tell you that I came up with a plan"


"Yes really. Don't sound so surprised!"

"I am though. I thought you'd leave that to your subordinates, such as myself and your lackeys"

"My lackeys, can't even do household chores without prodding"

"And what about me?"

"I asked, you didn't deliver. If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself"

"Harsh Missy, harsh"

"Hey! I didn't become general just by sitting around did I?"


"NO! I didn't! I worked hard for this title. You've got to lead by example and if anyone is going to lead, they have to learn how to be a follower first. Then you've got to know your followers for who they are, so you can shape them into what they should be, of course"

"Did you just...puke up the contents of Military 101 or something?"

"Shhh. I know the ways. Trust your superior"

"This is getting weird"

"You started it"

"With my lyric-talking you mean"

"It's still not funny"


"Stop laughing at me!"

"Don't whine darling"

"I'm not whining!"




"..okay fine. Maybe just a smidge"


"You're so mean"

"It's part of my charm, Missy"

"Pfhahaha. Charm?"

"I have charm!"

"Lucky Charms maybe"

*dramatic gasp*

"How dare you!?"

"I didn't dare do anything"

"Yes you did"

"I really didn't...I just did. Like the boss I am"

"How heinous!"

"Heinous? No. No-

"No. No! Stick to the stuff you know. If you wanna be cool, follow one simple rule, don't mess with the flow no no. Stick to the status quo"

"Really?? High school musical??"

"Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known, step into the future-

"I am SO hanging up now"

"-but hold on to, high school musica-

*Your call has end*


I miss the days when High School Musical was all people would talk about.

Which is your favourite: 1, 2 or 3?

If you haven't seen it, go binge it! It's the early 2000 at its finest. My friends and I lived off those movies😂❤.


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