Talk to Me

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"What's up buttercup?"


"How's it going?"


"Really? How interesting!"


"You know the weather was fabulous today. Practically summer outside"

"2 degrees?"

"Of course! It's a gosh darn amazing Canadian spring"




"Well, your brother didn't call today either"


"Which tells me that he's upping his game. Finally"


"So I expect he'll risk death to ask our help"




"We'll probably play Russian roulette with his head"


"Or better yet, darts!"




"Why don't we just stuff him in a crate, ship him off to Egypt and have him drowned in the Nile"






"Tell me"


"Tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me whatever it is that is keeping you so preoccupied that you've let me, play Russian roulette and darts with your brother's head. Oh! And have him crated and shipped to a watery death in the rivers of Egypt"


"Do you want to sit in silence?"


"I don't think that possible"

"Hey! I can do it!"

"Of course you can! You can do anything you put your mind to!"

"Aww thank you-

"Except that"

*gasp of indignant outrage*

"How rude!!"




" to me buttercup"



" mom is getting married"

"That's nice...wait so your parents are getting married like 17 years later?"

"Ha! Not my parents. My parent"

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