Funny Exits

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Alyssa and Logan are sprawled across the two bean bags in Alicia's room. Alicia sits on the bed, surrounded by a bunch of paper and a massive textbook on her lap.

The telltale ring sounds through the room. Alicia glances at it and smiles sadly before tossing the phone onto Logan's stomach. It lands, and he lets out an "oof" before handing it over to Alyssa.

She looks down at her notebook and sighs loudly before accepting the call. She rolls onto her side and places the phone on speaker.

"Hello" Stephanys says into the phone

"Hey" Alyssa replies, sounding dejected. This makes Logan turn and looks at her questioningly, and Alicia pause.

Stephanys pauses a beat before responding, "What no 'Stalker' today?" he says, sounding slightly worried.

She waves off her brother before responding, "No. You said you didn't like it, so I'm not going to use it". Alicia looks up at her this time, cocking her head slightly.

"Oh..." he says, sounding shocked and almost disappointed.

Alyssa's eyes widened slightly, "What? Nothing to say?" she says surprised.

"Er...well I gues-" he stutters.

She sits up. "I spent all day trying to think of a new one, and I can't!" she says, smacking her notebook.

Stephanys is silent for a couple of beats. "I...I'm sorry?". Logan nudges her with his elbow and looks at her pointedly.

She makes eye contact and sheepishly adds, "Not that I'm complaining because I shouldn't have entertained it if you didn't like it...which I did."

Alyssa sees Alicia cover her mouth with her hand and duck her head again.

Alyssa sighs heavily "It's fine. You shouldn't even be apologizing!". She pauses as something registers in her mind, "What are you doing getting sad anyways?" she questions him, almost accusingly. "You didn't even call me Missy like usual," she says, sounding indignant.

"What do you mean? Yes, I did" he says in outrage.

She gasps loudly before shooting back, "You didn't!"

"I did" he says insistently.

Alyssa shakes her head vehemently, "You didn't!"

"I know I did!" he shoots back at her, just as insistently.

She stands up and glares down at the phone. "I'm telling you that you didn't."

"I did!" he shouts, the sound making Alicia fall onto her back in a fit of giggles

"Are you calling me a liar?" Alyssa demands, hands on her hips as she continues to glare.

He splutters, shuffling sounding through the phone "What? No!"

"You are" she says, crossing her arms. Logan looks over at her and rolls his eyes before dragging Alicia out of the room. Alyssa gestures angrily at the phone to them. Logan looks at her deadpan, and they both leave the room.

"I'm really not" Stephanys says, sounding annoyed.

Silence reigns in the room as they both stubbornly refuse to back down.

Stephanys huffs. "I think I may have overstayed my welcome"

Alyssa's arms lower, and she lowers herself to the bean bag again. "..I didn't mea-"

"You don't need to, I'll see myself out" he says, seemingly haughtily.

Alyssa lets loose a little giggle. "..You do realize that we're calling right?" she says, muffling her laughter.

Stephanys, dramatically sighs heavily, "You do realize that you just ruined my dramatic exit right?"

"Yes" she responds, sounding rather proud of herself.

Stephanys, splutters before she hears him says, "Are you laughing at me?"

She sobers up quickly, "No...No I'm definitely not" she says into the phone.

"You were!" he says, starting up the shouting match again.

She hold back a laugh and shouts back, "I wasn't!"

"Hmmm..." he says to her, not convinced at all.

Alyssa rolls off the bean bag onto the carpet and muffles her giggles into her hand. Evidently, not well enough because Stephanys, harumphs loudly and shouts, "See, there you go again!"

Not bothering to hold back anymore, she rolls over onto her back and lets loose all the laughter she was holding back, holding her stomach in an attempt to keep her insides in.

"Missy! Stop laughing at me!" he says, almost whining.

She gasps a few breaths, "Okay fine, okay"

"...thanks..." he says very sarcastically.

"I'll let you have that dramatic exit now," she says, still on the tail end of a laugh, wiping her tears away with her hands.

"You're still gonna laugh when I leave aren't you?"

"Definitely" she says seriously.


Well, that was something, wasn't it?


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