Bickering Bickering

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"Are you still mad?"


"..That's a yes right?"


"Well this is nice"


"Wait are you mad because I was showing off my amazing voice"

"..Well I suppose you sound okay but that's not why"

"I sound okay? Just okay??"

"Yes, you sound okay"


" hello?"

"...she really just went and said I sound okay. Okay she says. I have the voice of an angel! This is an outrage! I know I could've stopped before High School Musical but those songs are iconic! It would be a disgrace not to sing! I-


"Really can't believe this! You know what? I should torment her with my okay voice everyday. Ooh maybe I could do opera on Tuesdays, Rock on Thursdays. Yodeling is obviously a Friday thi-


"You are NOT giggling at me right now"


"Tell me you're not!"


"What could possibly be so funny?"


"You know, usually people breathe in between words not laugh"

"Duly noted, Chatterbox"

"I'd rather be called a music box, hmph. Laughing at me while I'm in a fit of passion"

"A fit of passion, he says"

"At least it was of passion and not a someone..."

"How rude!"

"The truth hurts darling"


"If you can't take it, don't dish it"

"I can dish it!"

"Then you should've taken it"

"Well aren't you smug"

"Indeed? Interesting"

"Anyways...if you're feeling mature enough, can I reveal my plan?"

"Go right ahead"

"Well, I should start by saying that my goal is to get them together because they're clearly both better together"

"I agree. My brother is being a menace. He's acting like a chicken with no head"

"Well, Alicia's either on autopilot or in dictator mode. Plus, I was rooting for them from the beginning anyways"

"Rooting for my dumb brother? You are a saint among sinners"

"I wouldn't say that. I just liked what I heard  from her"

"Those 'Their Files' never cease to scare me"

"Ha! You should see yours!"


"That was terrible of me. I'm sorry...With our goal in mind, I think we need to get rid of every thing and everyone that comes as an apology"

"Um, you do realize that to reach the goal, she needs to know he's apologizing"

"Yes, yes I'm getting to that"

"Sorry, sorry"

"We already know that she's not going to answer his texts or calls, so he's gonna send things instead"


"If she never gets them, it'll force his Joker butt to come over. Either to beg for forgiveness and ask for our help or face Alicia on his head like a man"

"His head?"

"Of course. Did you think him on his knees is enough?"

"This doesn't really seem like a revenge and test plan"

"Of course it is! The test started when he realized his Joker ways. He fails every time he doesn't come talk to her face-to-face. If  he comes to his senses, we'll give him hell"

"Well the first part makes sense but I have a feeling you're not going to be a very good bad cop"

"Of course I'm not!"

"Glad we're on the same page"

"That's what my lackeys are for. Remember that I'm the only one rooting for them. How would it look like if I went against my own goal?"

"Um not good?"


"Yeah, I don't believe you'll just sit quiet"

"My mouth may not be moving but it doesn't mean other things cannot" 

"That's a cryptic statement if I've ever heard one"

"Yeah but you love it"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Missy"

*Your call has ended*


How is everyone doing?


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