3 Jokers In a Pod

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"What a jerk. How could you possibly have liked this joker?" Logan says vehemently, Alicia still gripping his hand as they walk down the hall.

She scoffs "When did I ever say I liked him?" as they walk down the stairs.

Alyssa, comes out of the room, as catches up to them as they get to the bottom of the stairs.

"You're kidding right?" Logan asks her, completely serious.

"No." Alicia says firmly.

She let's go of his hand as they get to the kitchen, Alyssa draping an arm around her older sister.

Alyssa cocks her head considering, "You never said you didn't Lish"

Logan, bring out a box of pasta and various other ingredients from around the kitchen.

"I never said I did either" Alicia says incredulously.

The sound of a pot being filled with water, resonates around the kitchen.

"But you never denied it in the first place" he says, setting the pot to boil. "Not that we'd believe you but still"

"The effort would've been nice" Liam says, walking into the kitchen and sitting on the stools around the kitchen island.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about" Alicia sniffs, putting in a spoonful of salt in the boiling water.

"Sure hun, sureee" Alyssa says, plopping a lid onto of the pot.

Grabbing an onion, carrots and cherry tomatoes, Logan grabs a knife.

"I don't even know why you guys are complaining!" Alicia says, taking the knife from Logan to cut the onion up. "You literally have gotten pizza almost every day for weeks!"

"Don't think I don't know where you're actually getting your pizza money from" Liam says grabbing a cutting board and sliding it under the ingredients to be cut.

"I have no recollection of what you are speaking about" Alicia says, starting to chop.

Grabbing another knife, Logan joins Alicia at the cutting board "Oh that's rich Lish"

"No actually, I clearly am, if I'm buying pizza for y'all" she snaps, waving the knife around as she talks.

"Actually from the evidence, I'm the rich one, quickly going broke" Liam says, taking the knife from her and pushing onto a nearby stool.

Taking the three now opened boxes of fettuccine pasta from Alicia, Alyssa responds in kind. "Yeah Lish, Liam is taking money from ME now to foot the bill". The pasta goes into the bolling water.

"Exactly" Logan says, dumping some oil in a large heated pan and adding the onion and garlic.

"Oh hush Logan, you don't even contribute!" Alyssa adds a pinch of seasonings to the mix.

"Take that!" Liam says smugly, scooping up the chopped up tomatoes and putting it in the pan.

"I don't want to hear from you either mister. You still owe me $88.75!" Alyssa grippes, stirring the pasta lightly. "It would've been more but loverboy is a jerk now so..."

Gesturing to the pan for Logan to stir, Liam sighs exasperated. "Are you seriously counting?!"

"Of course!" Alyssa says pleasantly.

"As she should" Logan responds dumping in the carrots.

"You three are way too much. I don't know why I bother asking" Alicia says, setting an open can of tomato sauce on the counter beside Logan.

"You guys should really pay more attention" Alyssa says, turning down the stove for the pan and resting a hip on the counter.

"Why? So I can save money and not owe anyONE?" Liam says, rinsing off the used utensils.

"Because Alicia is trying to stop us from talking about Pizzeria Boy and now she's gone" Alyssa says.


"Sometimes I really wonder, if she's actually the oldest sibling" Liam muses.

"I wouldn't be surprised. You're pretty dumb compared to us" Logan proclaims, adding in the sauce.

"Logan! How rude"

Alyssa, strains the pasta, leaving some water leftover.

"See! She didn't deny the truth either-" Liam slaps Logan upside the head. "OW! Why is everyone always hitting me?!" he complains.

"You deserve it"

"Tell him he's wrong Lys. Tell him!"

The kitchen is quiet, save for the bubbling of the simmering sauce.

The boys, turn and look around.

"See! She didn't deny the truth" Logan says confidently.

"She's not even here anymore idiot!" Liam says, adding the pasta and leftover water.

"I don't think I'm the idiot" Logan says smugly.

"You're both idiots. Now shut up and hurry up with dinner" Alicia says, coming back into the kitchen and gathering the plates.


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