Sequestered Siblings Session

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Alyssa sits ramrod straight, crosslegged on the top bunk of her and Alicia's bed as she calls her two brothers to attention.

"You do not need to bang the gavel Alyssa" Liam says, as he folds himself into the desk chair in the corner of the room.

He straightens up the items left scattered across the desk and shakes his head lightly as his little sister's antics.

"Yes, I do." she says confidently, "It gives me an air of authority" as she bangs the gavel against the bed post again.

"You're the youngest one here" Logan says.


"And you didn't even call this meeting, so on what basis do you have any authority?" he replies, draped haphazardly across a purple bean bag just beside the bed, his head rest on the bottom bunk.

"I have the gavel and I'm in charge amyways"

"Yeah, it never works that way but keepdreaming" he says digging contentedly.

Alyssa glares at him and sighs heavily before not-so-subtly dropping the gavel on top of Logan's head.

"OWWW!" he says rubbing his forehead roughly, glaring up at Alyssa.

She smiles pleasantly at him and proceeds to drop more things on his face.

"Liam help me!" Logan shouts at his brother, trying to dodge the incoming projectiles coming his way.

"You made your grave, climb out of it yourself"

Liam sits back in his chair, smiling broadly as his brother is pelted with things.

"Stupid siblings and their stupid stupidness" Liam mutters when Ayssa finally runs out of things to throw.

"It's not my fault that you don't know when to shut up" she says crossing her arms and huffing.

"Or back down from a fight you won't win" Liam adds in smugly.

"Or the fact that you have some kind of inferiority complex and that-

"Everyone is always out to get you"

"Exactly" Alyssa nods.

" guys are so annoying" Logan grumbles, throwing an arm over his eyes.

"You love us though" Alyssa days matter-of-factly

"Don't be too sure about that kid.." Logan mutters under his breath.

"WHaT WaS ThAT?!"

"I said 'Sure, I do' "

Liam leans forward in his chair, "Okay, Alyssa lay off for a bit. We need to talk about this Rhenys kid"

"Oh yes, let's. He's wreaking havoc on our lives" Liam agrees, pulling out a mini snickers bar and poppin it in his mouth.

Alyssa props her head up with her palm. "How is he possibly doing that?" she muses. "We don't even know who he is"

With a mouth full of chocolate, Logan sighs, "He works at the pizzeria place down the road, taking calls and such". He swallows and continues, "Seems like he's making calls now too"

"What do you mean making calls?" Liam asks curiously.

"He and Lish literally talk every day. How could you possibly not notice?"

Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Yeah. Why do you think we've been having pizza so often?" Reaching down, she holds out her hand to Logan. "I'm pretty sure she's using it as an excuse to talk to him"

"How come I wasn't informed about this earlier??" Liam says annoyed, his index finger tapping a staccato beat on the desk.

"Would you calm down?" Logan tosses a snickers bar into her hand. "If you'd been paying attention, you would've noticed the mounds of pizza boxes in the recycling."

Unwrapping it, she says, "I'm pretty sure we're stocked up on leftover pizza for another 2 months"

"Exactly." Logan nods in agreement. "Plus, mom hasn't even complained about the dishes being left in the sink in days" he says scratching the side of his face lightly.

"You're really loving that aren't you". Liam's eyes narrow at Logan, knowingly.

"Well, if you had to do the dishes EVERY. SINGLE. DAY you'd be happy for this reprieve" Logan sniffs, unwrapping a Kit Kat.

Stretching down her arm to Logan again, Alyssa scoffs. "Maybe if you'd get off your lazy butt every once in a while, instead of eavesdropping on Lish then you wouldn't have to do it every day"

"She's not wrong" Liam shrugs.

"I get it thanks!"

"No need to be so snappy Logie" Alyssa says, still waiting for another chocolate.

"Don't you 'Logie' me nothing Missy" he says, waving the bag of assorted choclate around.

"Why not?" Liam asks, stifling a laugh. "Are you scared you'll lose your tough guy persona?"

"Hardy har har Liam. How very funny of you" Logan says as he tosses more chocolate Alyssa's way.

She suddenly makes a shushing motion with her hand to her brother. "Hush you two." Listening carefully for a fee moments, she then says, "She's on the phone with 'Mr.C' again"

"What's she saying?" Liam says snagging a chocolate from Logan.

Glaring at his older brother he grumbles, "Yeah, tell us and hurry up about it"

"Well I can't exactly hear if you too buffoons are being so loud, can I?"

The room is silent for a few minutes as they listen to Alicia's conversation.

"Oh no he didn't!" Logan explodes.

"He most certainly just did" Alyssa says in outraged confirmation.

"That imbecile!" Liam says standing up from the desk chair.

"How dare he!"

"We must avenge her!"

"Hear, hear!!"

Alyssa shakes her head as she climbs down the ladder. "Why do I have a feeling that the next call is going to be worse?"

"Nah, it can't get much worse than that. You worry too much"

She snatches the bag of chocolate from Logan, shaking her head sadly. "Famous last words my friends".


Chapter 1 finished!!!

Happy Sunday lovelies xx

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