Oh My Dust

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-- (Rhen Rhyes)

== (Logan)


"Hi Alyssa"



"...Y-YOu HavE SeriOUslY GoT To SToP doINg ThAT!"

"Stop doing what...Alyssa?"

"You are a terrible human being"

"But you like this terrible human being"

"HA! You wish"

"I wish? Oh no no, I know. That's why it's so much fun"

"You know? You have no idea what you're saying"

"Oh really? 

*clears throat*

*scratching noises*

-...Honestly, I did wonder what you looked like. But then I stopped because I knew that if I was meant to see you I would. Plus, I loved hearing your voice and seeing your texts so much that wondering what you looked like became non-existent...-


"You were saying?"

*more scratching noises*

-...Do you know how long I've wondered what you look like? How short you are. Whether you've got a cheeky smile or a blank face with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes when you make fun of me. If you've got a dimple. If you've got long hair or short. What colour your eyes are. How your face lights up when you smile. If you narrow your eyes when I insult you. All sorts of things...-

"Yes, I was saying"

"Darn, played by my own game! You know you're a devious little General, don't you?"

"Oh I know darling"


"Hiya Rhen. Yes, that was your brother professing his love for me"


"It's not gross, it's sweet. He'll never tell you this but he cried after my confession"


"It was stuffy in here! I was NOT crying"

"Sure buttercup, sure"


"Stephanys was crying"

"I wasn't!"

"He did cry after I confessed"


"You object to my confession?! On what grounds pray tell?"



"HEY! I'm not a goofy goober! I was the one who got the ball rolling for those two night park patrollers! You should be bowing before me!"

"You got the ball rolling?! I don't think so"

*more scratching noises*

-...I'm only doing this because you're my commanding officer but I expect your firstborn child in return...-

"Gosh! How much stuff do you have on me!" 

"It's better if you don't know buttercup..."

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