Apology Rejected

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"Hello" Alyssa says answering the phone , absentmindedly.

"Hello to you too! Is this Ms. Alicia speaking?" the guy on the other side asks her.

"No, it's not" she says, suddenly suspicious

He pauses for a few moments, "...Can I speak to her?"

Alyssa takes the phone from her ear and looks at the phone bewildered. "No, you can't" she says raising the pitch in her voice to that of a small child. Then to soften the blow, "Sorry buddy"

"...What if I said please? And thank you?" he says, sounding on the verge of begging.

"Nope". She glances around the house wondering if she's in an alternate universe.

The guy sighs heavily, "Listen, I really need to talk to her" he says. "I have a message for her and a present" as if that would make it okay.

"She loves presents" Alyssa says, almost laughing to herself at his attempts to talk to her sister.

Clearly, this is Rhen Rhyes' doing if the whispering in the background is any indication.

"I'm glad. So would it be okay if I could talk to her?"

She had to give it to this guy, he's pretty determined

"What's it for?" she demands.

He pauses at her question.

"...You're not gonna let me talk to her are you."

"...Maybe". No, most definitely not.

After some more whispering, he asks her, "How can I turn that maybe into a yes"

He starting to sound really tired of playing the middleman.

"A present for me too?" she asks sweetly.

"Unfortunately, I am just the messenger kid"

"Darn!" Alyssa says, just as Logan walks into the living room.

"Lys, who are you talking to?" he asks, watching as she kicks her legs back and forth over the arm of the couch. He motions for her to put in on speaker

"Don't tell him, kid" the guy says, as more whispering ensues in the background.

"That's suspicious Mr. Pizza man" Alyssa says, as his voice sounds throughout the room.

"No, I just don't think this should be shared with everyone" he says a bit nervously as the whisphering gets a little more...intense.

"It's not everyone. The fact that you don't want me to tell, means I should" she says, her voice still in falsetto. "That's what my teacher told us about strangers"

Logan, stuffs his fist in his mouth to stop from laughing.

"Your teacher is a very smart kid" he says

"I'm glad you think so Mr!" she says.

"Still don't say anything" the guy warns her.

"Lys! Who is it??" Logan finally says, announcing himself.

"Don't te-

"It some guy from the pizza shop asking for Licia" she says, smiling widely as the guy splutters and the background whispering, turns to profanity.

"Geez, watch your mouth, mister" she says

"What? Hand it over sister" Logan says.

"Oh you're in trouble Mr. Pizza man mwahahaha" she cackles.

"Just great! Thanks, kid"

"Don't be mad at me. I'm not the weirdo calling for my sister without an explanation" she responds back to him, matter-of-factly

Silence rings on the other side of the phone line.

"She's right you know" Logan says.

The poor guy sighs on the other side, "They always shoot the messenger". He mumbles to himself, "I need a raise"

"You sure do. Now, what do you want with Alicia?"

"...You guys don't give up do you"

"Not when it comes to Alicia. No"

"Hmmm...respect. So anyway this guy called and ordered a specialized pizza for her and I was just supposed to call and tell her that a pizza was on its way and hang up"


Nobody says anything for a while.

"What's his name? Oh no, wait...I know who it is...send the pizza dude"

"Are you sure? Is Alicia there? Can I tell her or ma-

"Send. The. Pizza" Logan enunciates clearly.

A brief pause before he says, "...Sure"

"Much appreciated my friend" Logans says cheerfully

*Your call has ended*

Logan hangs up the phone and turns around to see tears on his sister's face.

"Why are you crying"

She blubbers through her tears

"Well?" he says impatiently.

She sniffles and says, "I made him think I was a little girl and he believed me" before dissolving into tears again,

Logan just stares at her, stupidifed.

"Serves you right"

"How rude!" she says wiping her head up to glare at him through teary eyes.

He scoffs loudly. "You're the one who decided to act like a 5-year-old and you cry when you get treated like one?" he shakes him head at her.

"Sheesh. I live with children, I swear" he grumbles dropping onto the couch

She leans back onto his lap and closes her eyes.

"Says the one who going to eat someone else's pizza"

"I'm not going to eat the pizza!" he exclaims outraged.

"Sure" she says, not at all believing him.

He folds his arms and glares down at her, "We're gonna eat the pizza. I'm not that inconsiderate"

"Hah" she says, smugly.

"You want the pizza or not?" he growls.

"Don't you growl at me! And is that really a question?"


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Think happy thoughts, xoxo

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