He Has a Name!

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Alicia's phone rings once again.

Alyssa thunders down the stairs just as Logan sweeps it into his hand as he walks past the living room coffee table. Alicia pops her head in from the kitchen, a spoon sticking out of her mouth.

Logan waves the ringing phone at her above Alyssa's head. Rolling her eyes, Alicia just goes back into the kitchen.

"Yo" Logan says as he swipes to answer the phone.


Logan scrunches up his nose and looks at the caller ID.

With an arched brow, he puts the phone back on the coffee table and activates speaker.

"So...who are you?" Logan says, draping himself over the couch.

"The name's Stephanys"

"Ste-pan-us you say?" he says, trying out the name. Alyssa giggles when she hears Alicia cackling at his pronunciation.

Stalker, er, Stephanys corrects him. "It's Stef-an-us" he says, slowly. "Oh. Cool name" Logan says, genuinely though glaring at us both. "Thanks but I my brother's name is cooler" he says.

Alyssa decides it's time to say hello. "What's his name" she asks, flopping over beside Logan.

"Hi Missy" he says, his voice a lot more friendly, with a familiar voice to talk to. Alicia comes out of the kitchen, with a bowl of sliced cucumbers. "You two know each other?" Logan says glancing at her.

"Yep." she says, taking a couple cucumbers as she drops onto the arm of the couch. "This is the guy stalking Alicia. Didn't you see the caller ID?"

"Stalking?!" Logan shouts, reaching forward to grab the phone.

"What do you want with my sister, you creep!" Liam says, charging into the room via the basement.

" *sigh* Seriously Missy, you've gotta stop with this stalker stuff"

Alicia just looks on, laughing quietly to herself at everyone's antics.

"But it's so much fun" she replies, smiling at her brothers who are both standing, glaring down at the phone.

"It really isn't" he says, sighing heavily. Liam glances disapprovingly at Alyssa, "He's right".

"Who are you kid?" Logan demands, arms on folded against his chest.

"I'm Rhen-Rhyes' brother and I wanted to talk to Alicia about my dumbhead of a brother"

The room goes so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Alyssa finally breaks the silence. "...Ahem. Did you say you were Rhen-Rhyes'  brother? As in Thee Joker?"

Logan scratches his chin, "Yeah repeat that again for us would you?"

"Yes, I'm the blockhead's brother. He's such an idiot. I swear if we didn't live in the same house, I would've already beat him half to death" Stephanys says, his voice conveying his disgust for his brother's actions.

Liam isn't pleased. "Only half to death you say?" and Logan sniffs in agreement

"You're Thee Joker's brother?!" Alyssa says, still stuck on this. She grabs another cucumber slice for support.

A Of My HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon