Into the Park She Goes

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Right side: Alicia/Rhen Rhyes/Liam
Left side: Alyssa/Stephanys



"Rhen-Rhyes? Finally! Took you long enough"


"Did you lose your hearing on your little excursion as well?"

"What do you mean? You just sent the thing to me half an hour ago"

"Yeah, I know! You left me on read for 30 minutes!".

"What is he doing?! He's supposed to be wooing her"

"Is he trying to get himself into more trouble?"

"Well, at least it wasn't longer"

"What an idiot!"

"Yep, he's definitely trying to die today"

"Don't get smart with me little run away"

"I am not a runaway!"

"So much for staying in character"


"Please be quiet. Please be quiet"


"Exactly. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I- er...umm sorry?"



"Sorry...he's sorry. Ha! Oh my GOSH! Liam, he's sorry! HAHAHA"


"Stephanys, he's broken her"

"Did she just growl?"

"She's putting on her stuff rather roughly. She might rip her sleeves off at this point"


"Can Rhen Rhyes hear us?"

"Of course not! We're eavesdropping, you know. That's the point"

"So how is his commentary so accurate?"

"I'm texting him updates"

"That makes sense but how are you typing so fast?"

"Alia? Can down...?

"I'm voice messaging him"


"The muttering has started! She's even got the little eyebrow twitch going on too! Ooh he better get ready"

"...for what?"

"Get ready to die, brother. It was nice knowing you"

"Please don't forget to put the payment for our services in your will"

"Hey! You were supposed to help me, not let her kill me!"

"Eh. Tell him he'll be fine! Just grovel and make sure he has pineapple pizza on hand"

"Oh! She's leaving now. Be a ready kid!"

"Wait just a min-

"Give. Me. The. Phone. Liam"

"Sure is! Have fun you two!"

"I'm coming for you three when I get back, so don't think you off the hook yet"

"Yeah we're all screwed"

"I didn't think she'd be THIS mad"

"You and me both. Fix it Rhen"

"That's funny..."

"She wasn't joking"

"Me and what army are going to fix this?"

"My patience is wearing thin"

"That's her with patience?!"

"Yeah, so you might not wanna let her get impatient. It's not pretty"

"You better fix it"



"Dude! Please, I'm too young to die by the hand of octopus and mayonnaise!"


"Be ready Rhen-Rhyes, it could very well be your last night"

"Alicia wai-

*Your call has ended*


Okay, writing with multiple people is kinda hard but oh so much fun!!

I hope you guys liked that chapter!

3 more to go...


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