No Longer Avaliable

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Logan comes to sit in Alicia and Alyssa's room.

"Hey kids!" Logan says by way of announcement as he flops onto the other bean bag.

"I'm so bored" Alyssa says dramatically, flopping in the bed beside her sister.

Alicia snorts, "Then go do your homework", patting her on the forehead.

She scrunched up her face in disgust and Alicia smiles amused as Logan just shakes his head.

"Neglecting your schoolwork is bad your know", he says matter-of-factly.

Alicia send a pointed stare his way

"That's rich coming from you, Mr.I'm-so-smart-I-don't-have-to-do-any-work" Alyssa snorts rising up on her elbows to look at Logan.

"What can I say", he replies smiling cockily, draping a leg over his knee, "It's a gift".

"Gift my foot" Alyysa mutters, rolling onto her side.

Alicia's phone rings from its place on the desk and she's up in a flash.

Wiggling her eyebrows at Logan, "Ooohhhh, it must be Rhen Rhyes, why she got up so quick"

"No, no, you mean it must be Rhenys", he says the nickname in a sweet tone, fluttering his eyelashes.

"Silence peasants" Alicia says, answering the phone as she drops into the desk chair.

Putting it on speaker, she says hello to Rhen Rhyes.

"Alia!! Guess what?" Rhen Rhyes shouts excitedly.

"What?" She responds, legs kicked up on her desk, as she sits in her chair.

"Yeah what?" Logan says smacking his lips together so loudly that everyone glares in his direction.

There's a beat of silence before Rhen Rhyes responds, "Who's that?"


"Hey, Logan!"

"Hiya Rhenys" Logan says cheekily, looking at Alicia, while Alicia glares at him for using her special nickname.

"How are ya? And how do you know that name?"

He produces a bag of cheetos from some hidden place and responds, "Licia has it saved in contacts as that, but with a lock and a bro-

"Ok I think sharing time is over, you've met, now, what's up?" Alicia asks Rhen Rhyes, eager to deter the conversation from meddling younger siblings.

Some loud noise sounds over the phone as he says, "Well I just wanted to say thank you because she asked me to go on a study date with her tonight"

Silence rings in the room.

Logan, stares open mouthed at the phone, 3 cheetos hanging out of his mouth.

Alyssa pauses in disbelief with one hand in the bag, eyes wide.

Alicia sits dumbfounded at the phone laying on the desk, until her face goes completely blank.

Her feet lay flat on the floor and she stands so quickly, the chair almost tips over.

"You're what?" Alyssa says incredulously, cheeto stealing hand now laying in her lap.

Logan resumes his crunching, "Is that so?" though his eyes are on fire as he watches Alicia's reaction. Or lack of.

"It is!" Rhen Rhyes replies, clearly oblivious to the responses of the others.

"Didn't you just meet her today?" Alyssa asks, still completely bewildered.


"And now you're going on a date... tonight. With a girl" Alyssa watches as Logan squeezes the bag of cheetos to death and carefully extracts it from his hands.

No amount of junk food should be subject to this kind of torture, not even for this.

Alicia walks over and takes he bag from her and opens it, reaching in the take a cheeto.

"You know it!"

The cheerful tone in Rhen Rhyes' voice must set Alicia off because Alyssa is helpless to do anything as she watches the rest of the cheetos get crushed to a crummy death.

This has Logan laughing so histerically, tears pour down his face.

"Woooooow" he says, wipes his face with the cuff of his sweater, smiling darkly.


"...just wooooooooooow"

"What? What is it???" Rhen Rhyes has lost the happy tone in his voice for more concerned one.

"You done messed up kid" Logan gets up and gently prys the bag from Alicia's hands.


"My sister is no longer available to you. If you have any questions you are not allowed to ask them or speak to her" he responds, gently taking Alicia's hand and leading her out of the room, away from the offending voice and it's messenger device.

"Wait. Wh-

*Your call has ended*


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