Questions x Questions

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"Hello, Stalker" Alyssa says, yet again answering her sister's phone.

"Again with the stalker thing?" he says.

As always, she puts him on speaker. "Again with questioning it?"

Logan walks past the door with a bunch of snickers in his hand. Leaping up, she snags 3 before shutting the door in his face and plopping onto her bean bag.

"Well, yes. 'Cause I'm not a st-

Unwrapping one, she decides to change the subject before he gets all snippy.

"Glorious days, isn't it?" she sighs, mouth full of chocolate and the beauty of the outside world caressing the window.

"Um...I guess so" he says, confused with her choice of wording or just the subject matter itself.

Frowning mid-chew, she parrots, "You guess so?"

"Well, it's raining out" he says, stating the obvious.

She waits for him to continue on with his sentence. When he doesn't she prompts him.


"Well, most people don't associate rain with glorious" he says as, yet again stating the obvious.

"I'm not most people Stalker" she says incredulously, as if he - a practical stranger - should know that already.

"Clearly you aren't lil Missy"

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that" she says, biting off another piece of the snickers.

"I would assume so" he says, almost smugly.


"Most generals like being called general until they die and I have no doubt that you're the same"

"I'm not vain!" she reels back from the offending voice.

"Hwasjsdns, I never said you were!" he replies back

"You implied it!" she says, pointing a finger at the phone, as if he could see it himself.


"By saying that I'd want to be called General Missy until I died!" she says, a clear 'duh dumbo' in her tone.

"That wasn't even what I was saying!" he denies.

"Well, maybe you should be more clear next time" she huffs.

She stands up and stretches, walking towards the window.

"Next time?!"

She roll her eyes as she watches 2 raindrops race each other. "I've no doubt that you're going to naively group me with rude characteristics"

She decides to cheer for the one on the left. The right one was clearly cheating.

"I never said you're rude!" he says frustratedly.

"I never said you did!" she says simply.

"You implied that I was going to do it!" he argues.

"How??" she says, looking up from the race moving towards the phone.

"By saying that I'd 'group you with rude characteristics' as you put it. AND you called me naive. NAIVE" he was practically huffing with indignation, reminder her of the big bad wolf from the three little pigs story.

She grabs the phone and drops onto Alicia's. "See, I said you'd do it, never said you'd call me rude...though, I wouldn't put such disrespect past a stalker" she says, adding fuel to the already hot fire, she started.

"YOu...I-How..." she smiles brightly.

He continues his spluttering noise and lots of noise makes it's way over the line until a very distinct noise comes through.

"Did you just growl at me?"

There is an unmistakable silence coming from him.

"There he goes again. You're really bad at your job, you know"

"What job??!" he practically shouts at her.

"Stalking, keep up Mister."

"How can I do bad at a job I'm not even doing?" sounding so tired of this conversation but unwilling to let her have the last word.

She props herself on one hand, tracing the floral pattern on the blanket. "Well, for one you're supposed to be Alicia's stalker and you're here talking to me"

"BeCAuSE yOu wOn'T leT Me" he says, growling again in between syllables.

Liam pops his head into the room. "Sis, come help"

She cocks her head at him. "Why?"

"Why are you asking why?" Stalker says strangely. "Just go"

Tapping a finger on her thigh, she asks again. "Why you gotta be so bossy?"

"Why, do you ask so many questions?" he says back.

Looking back at the phone, she shoots back, "Why do you have to answer a question with a question?"

"Hurry up! I'm hungry" Liam complains from the doorway.

Turning back to him, she pins him with a glare.

"So make your own food"

"...just come!" he pleads.

"...and he's supposed to be the oldest. Sheesh." Shaking her head, she gets up from the bed, I'M COMING"

"See you later Missy" Stalker says.

"In a while, Stalker" she quips happily.

"For the last time! I'm not a st-

*Your call has ended*


Positive mind, Positive vibes

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