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"So, I just found out that you really did 'issue third-degree disciplinary action' for my brother"

"Of course I did. My brothers and I have been intercepting any apologies for Alicia as promised"

"...That's just code for 'I'm eating pizza and I'm very happy' isn't it"

"I didn't think you thought so lowly of my Stephanys!"

*meaningful silence*


*even more meaningful silence*

"..Fine! We're eating the pizzas! And the chocolate flowers! Sue me!"

"Nah. The admission is reward enough"


"I think Alicia is catching on to us"

"I don't know...I'm sure I would've read about it"

"In the 'Their Files' you mean?"

"Of course not!"


"In her 'Book of Jokers' obviously"


"So that's where you got his nickname from?"

"I'm sorry to say it's not my amazing idea, unfortunately"

"So what's this book about"

"Its the book she started writing for Rhen-Rhyes"

"Oohhh. That doesn't sound good"



"All I can say is she's not as mad as she was a few weeks ago, so that's a good sign"

"That's good but I still think she's days away from realizing what's happening"

"We'll have to cross that bridge when we get to it. How's your brother?"

"Quickly going broke"

"Did he like my present?"

"More like your punishment! It's horrible"

"Yes, yes. Lantana flowers are beautiful aren't they"

"Yeah and they smell revolting! Even worse, you made him hang it on the door! So every time, he so much as cracks open the door, it smells. My room is across from his!"

"It is? How interesting"



"You did this on purpose!"

"Me? How could I do such a thing? It's Rhen-Rhyes' punishment, not yours"

"Hmph. Wait does that mean I'm being punished too?!"

"For you? Never! It's-

"I don't believe you"

"-just a little incentive for him but it's clearly not working"

"Yeah it's just stinking up our house"

"I'm sorry about that"

"And you know what's even better, my dad won't let him get rid of it once he found out what happened. I don't even know how he found out"

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