the Dinosaurs

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"So guess who I talked to today?"




"I wish. Guess again"

"...Willy Wonka"

"Be serious!"


"You read?!"

"Ye- Why are you so shocked??"

"Because you said 'Perseus' not Percy. Do you know how many real people call him Perseus and not Percy??"

"I...I don't know"

"I don't either but it sure isn't something you hear every day. Especially from people like you"

"People like me? Well I'm not offended at all"

"Sorry darling, it's just you seemed kinda...dry"


"Well at least until you started singing High School Musical. It was a whole other side of you"

"Yeah, it's one of my best traits. Also, I know you talked to my brother"

"Best trait my foot. How'd you figure that?"

"HEY! Rude. Well, he looked less constipated today"


"What? That's how he looks all the time. His face is all scrunched up like he can't let go. Which is kinda funny since he let her go"

"And you let her go"

"See! You like doing it too. Don't knock until you try it"

 "Yeah yeah whatever"

"So what'd you guys talk about"

"I gave him an earful about his negligence and issued third-degree disciplinary action"

"Hmm...sure you did, Missy"

"What do you mean sure? I did!"


"WoW. How can you not believe me?!"

"Missy, Logan told me about that time you pretended to be a 5-year-old and then cried when they treated you like one"

"...Logan and his big mouth"

"Plus you never come through on your threats anyways. All bark and no bite"

"Oh, you want the bite then?"


"I imagine it's as dangerous as a teacup Maltese"

"...Did you just compare me to a Maltese?"

"A teacup Maltese"



"You like toying with me"

"Oh my GOSH very much so"


"What was that"


"What's dead"

"Not 'what, it's 'who' "

"Oh bite me"

"Just remember that you asked for it"

"I will"




"Just peachy"




"I love talking to you"

"As you should"

"You know most people would say it back"

"Most people aren't me"

"Thank God for that. I don't think I'd be able to handle more of you"

"...You are so dead"

"As a doornail?"

"Like the dinosaurs"


* Your call has ended*


You know I've always wanted either a Yorkshire Terrier, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or even a Newfoundland.

How about you guys?


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