Let the Wooing Begin

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"Hey Missy"

"Yay! Ok so Stephanys, we talked to your brother last night and after we lightly admonished him, we came up with a plan to woo Alicia-

"Wait wait wait. Did you say you 'lightly admonished him'??"


"Who are you and what have you done with my General Missy?!"

"What are you talking about"

"There is no way you just 'lightly admonished him' and that's it"

"What? Yes, I did! We-

"Lightly admonish isn't a word in your vocabulary"

"...well of course not-

"I knew it!"

"-its two words not one-

"Oh, semantics, Miss-

"-and thus-


"Interrupting cow"





"...uh what?"

"That's what you're being"


"You're being an interrupting cow, darling"

"...er...I apologize Missy. Please continue"

"Why thank you so much"

"You're...um...most welcome"

"For your information, when I said we 'lightly admonished him', I meant we subjected him to multiple repeats of the Care Bears songs and kitten meowing sounds while he danced around a room full of lantana flowers. Then we had him do the dishes that've been piling up since Tuesday, reorganize Logan's things in the garage, take a cooking lesson from Aunt Jessie AND play bingo with the old ladies today. It's Throwback Thursday so he 'volunteered to be their musical errand boy"



"No. Terrified"

"Hmph. As you should be"

"And that is supposed to be light admonishment?"

"Why do you sound so horrified? This is only threat level 2 stuff"

"Level 2?!"

"He deserved level 4 but I managed to talk them down. I threw my weight around a bit"


"She did what?!"


"Missy, you have got to be kidding me!"

"It wasn't even that bad"

"What do you mean? You were over here acting like you were the peacemaker when really, they had to hold you back"

"You say that like its a bad thing"

"Trying to stuff my brother's face with Liam's 5-year-old football socks IS BAD!"

"Please, that wasn't even the worst thing I di- err...I mean yes it was very bad"



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