Stalker Calls

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Alyssa sits at the kitchen island, in the middle of making herself a smoothie.

The phone on the island vibrates repeatedly.

Glancing at it, she slightly raises her voice to her sister in the next room. "Alicia, it's your stalker calling you"

She doesn't deign to answer her.

"I'm going to answer" she calls again.

"Don't!" she yelps.

"Yep, answering!" she sings, picking up the phone and resuming adding frozen fruits to her smoothie.

"Hello" he says.

"Hi there!" she answers back to him.

"It's you again" he says, borderline grumpily.

Affronted, she replies sarcastically, "No need to sound too enthusiastic, stalker"

"I'm not a stalker" he says outraged.

She hums in response, adding a splash of pineapple juice to the mix.

"Considering that Lish hasn't added your number yet, I'd say you were a stalker"

"But I'm seriously not" he says

"Yeah, I believe you" she says, shaking her head as she says so.

"Yeah, you definitely don't"

She nods her head, "Glad you know that"

He sighs heavily in response

The line is quiet as she adds more stuff to her smoothie. Different berries, and fruits, as well as a tablespoon of oats.

"I can't persuade you other wise can I?" he says.

"Nope, it's set in stone" she quips quietly.


Alyssa has a lightbulb moment. "In fact, let me just..." she rummages around for a paper towel before putting the phone down.

Placing it on speaker, she continues what she planned to do.

"What are you doing?" he asks intrigued.

"Well, I was making a smoothie but not I'm adding your number to her contacts and naming it 'Stalker' "

"I'm glad you find this so amusing" he says, though sounding slightly amused himself.

"You've got to find happiness in everything" she says back cheekily. After grabbing the blender's blade and fitting everything together, she then leans on the counter.

"Why do you say that?"

She muses, "How sad would life be if we were sad all the time?" scratching a dent in the counter, she continues "We don't live forever, so we might as well enjoy the life we have; whatever comes"

"...I like that" he replies after a while.

"I'm glad!" she says brightly. "You can write it down and when I'm famous, you'll be able to say that you knew me and give a direct quote"

"You wanna be famous?" he asks her.

"Not really, it seems pretty dull" she says shrugging. "I just want to make the world a little bit better, on a larger scale."

"What do you want to do?"

"...I'm not really sure" she says, tapping a finger on the counter.

"So how are you gonna make your mark?"

She smiles saying, "Hmm, how about I start by reforming a stalker?" Before giggling again.

"Hardy har har."

"Love making poeple laugh"

Alicia walks into the kitchen and zeros in on the ready to blend smoothie. She makes eye contact with Alyssa, a devious twinkle in her eye.

She hurries to get off the call before she couldnt say anything, or hear anything for that matter

"Well, I've gotta go Stalker, see you whenever you call next"

"You're looking forward to the next time?" he asks amused. "I thought stalkers were dangerous"

"Tsk tsk, didn't you hear? I fear nothing. I'm reforming a stalker" she quips, just as the blender starts running.

*Your call has ended*


Never forget,

You're beautiful <3

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