Ch. 4: Bonding

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It is another beautiful day in Hope's Peak academy, birds are singing, flowers blooming, and once again, tremors are resonating from class 1-B. Chisa Yukizome, is running towards her class in order to investigate the tremors. Though it was obvious who is responsible for the disruptions.

Chisa opened the doors to see Akane flying and landing on blackboard. Walls opposite of entrance has been completely demolished, along with most desks. Most students were situated to wall near entrance, together with the passed out teacher who has been probably knocked out by the shockwaves. She is currently being treated by Mikan while Sonia assists her. Only ones who are still sitting at their desks are Nagito, who is getting constantly missed by all the flying debris, and Chiaki who is playing a videogame while Rei is deflecting and blocking all the debris flying her direction, using mostly his forearms. 

Akane who was sent flying by Nekomaru, stood up, ready to retaliate the attack. She tried to attack Nekomaru with series of punches, ranging from jabs to straights to hooks to overheads. But Nekomaru easily shook her off and managed to send her to the ground almost instantly.

Akane: "Damn it! How is it possible that I still cannot beat him?!"

Chisa then stepped between the two in order to stop them from fighting. 

Chisa: "Nidai-kun! Destruction of classroom is a matter of serious concern! Could you please stop?"


Chisa: "Hmm, fine then. I am not going to disturb you."

Fuyuhiko: "Wait! Really!? You are really letting them off the hook, just like that?!"

Chisa: "Yup. Their activities are  not prohibited in case when they are improving their talents."

Mahiru: "But aren't they destroying our classroom?"

Chisa: "They are. But talent developing is much more important than some classroom."

Most of the people sweatdropped at hearing this. Is Nekomaru's and Akane's behavior really acceptable? If others weren't protected by the plot armor, they would be probably already killed by the debris.

As Akane struggled against Nekomaru's might, Teruteru approached her while carrying a suitcase. 

Teruteru: "Would you mind if I gave you something nice?"

He then opened the suitcase revealing the two jars. One with green substance and one with pink substance.

Teruteru: "I worked on this with Ultimate Pharmacist, our upperclassmen. If you drink this special soup, you are guar...

Akane: "That sounds dellish! Gimme!"

Before he could finish, Akane took the soup from him and drank it all in one go. After a while, she started to rapidly grow muscles, as if Akane started transforming into something. The growth was so rapid and effective, that after a while, she looked she completely different person. She was so muscular, that she hardly looked like woman. She looked more like a very muscular man instead. Her hair was also a slightly longer. Most terrifying aspect was her red skin that apparently produced steam, due to immense heat her body was producing. It was really amazing, that this happened thanks to a special soup, her perverted classmates made.

As Rei looked at her form, it reminded him of something. This transformation was something he already saw in a past. But in different forms. Apparently, that soup allowed her to go to 100 % of her abilities, but there were people who managed to attain similar form, thanks to their body alone, without special drugs.

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