Ch. 21: Power of friendship

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Juzo Sakakura, the Head of Security of Hope's Peak academy is currently very busy. It is a day of Practical Exams, meaning that there is a lot of chaos at school today. Even more than usual, that is. Even when both Sport and Culture festivals were chaos in their own ways, Practical exams' purpose is not that of an entertainment. They are much more important and require much more planning. There is a Rating Committee, consisting of normal members and special ones, out of which, latter changes every time a new student is being tested. Each student has different experts in their field as members of Rating Committee, meaning that there is a lot of things to organize and people to invite, including taking care of their well-being while they are at Hope's Peak. The exams are also broadcasted in front of the whole country by national television, putting everyone under even bigger pressure than they already were.

But Juzo's responsibilities are not any of these things. The invitation of all the rating personnel, taking care of a national televisions's broadcast and everything else... that is a job of school's higher-ups. All of which have been taken care of. Juzo's responsibilities... are to take care that nothing bad happens during the Practical exams. Every single thing, every single fragment that creates this big event that is being watched by the whole country, damn families with kids are probably watching right now... Just a single thing going wrong could cause huge complications, and it would be Hope's Peak's fault and responsibility. Unless someone is ready to intervene at any moment to keep everything and everyone safe, while resolve any issue, if it occurs. 

To put it simply, the pressure of Juzo's responsibilities has grown drastically. But despite that, he still keeps his cool. Just yesterday, he has been dealing with a dead body, the appearance of which is already known by the public. Weirdly, it maybe even helped the television to gather the record number of watchers. 

But when it comes to the body itself, after the pathologists did all they could, the body has been put into the school's morgue, upon the Kazuo Tengan's request. Juzo never really wanted to go along with the old fool's plan, but he eventually agreed to help him after some "sweet talk", considering that it was a direct order from his higher-up as well. However, staging it left a bad aftertaste in Juzo's mouth, as he did not enjoy doing all of that only because of some plan the old man had. The plan, that apparently did not even work. Juzo doesn't know however, that Kazuo is not keen on giving up just yet, despite promising it to Kyosuke.

And when it comes to Kyosuke, he unfortunately still did not get to meet Juzo on this visit. Kyosuke's attempts to talk some sense into Kazuo and Juzo's constant responsibilities, created circumstances for both of them, that they will directly meet face to face probably only after the exams are over. Which is not a good news for any of them, as they both got a lot to talk about. 

Juzo is currently using few minutes of his free time, walking through the courtyard to the unused gym building, that he has been asked to go to by Chisa. Weirdly, she did not call nor message him. Neither did she come visit him personally. She just left a short message on a sticky paper that has been sticked to the Security office's door. The message itself was quite short and simple, only stating: 

Juzo, please to the empty gym building. It's urgent. 


The rest of small paper was covered with a lot of starts and hearts, making the signature sort of useless, as there is no one else that would write a message like this to him.

As he arrived to the destination, it all started to feel weird. Even though Chisa Yukizome can be certainly weird, this message is really suspicious, as he starts thinking about it. Even if she decided to send him a message in this way, for whatever reason, shouldn't she be with her class, considering their exams?

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