Ch. 7: Twilight: Part Two

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-Minutes before the incident--The courtyard-

Rei: "Nanami-san ? Can we talk ?"

After the boring day at school, Rei has managed to finally get to Chiaki, who was taking care for preparations for the school trip with Ms. Yukizome. They finally managed to take care of everything needed, so Chiaki can now spend more time with her friends again. Rei, who was looking slightly uneasy in particular.

Chiaki: "What it is, Rei-kun? Hmm, is it about the day before yesterday, right?"

Rei: "H-How did you know?"

Chiaki: "You looked uneasy yesterday. Is it about your confession about taking lives, right?"

Rei: " *sigh* Am I really that easy to read? *chuckle* "

Chiaki: " *giggle* Not really. But I can see that you are unwell. Compared to your calm aura that is usually radiating from you, this one seems different."

Rei: "Aura? Is she a psychic?"

Rei: "Well.... So I have to ask you..."

Chiaki: "I already told you."

Rei: "Huh?"

Chiaki: "I already told you that I don't care."

Rei: "But how? How can you just accept that fact like that? I don't get it. It is impossible for me to believe that you just shook off the fact that I am the murderer."

She started to look slightly annoyed with his behavior. Well, not really annoyed. More like she couldn't really understand how he can still be so anxious about it. 

Chiaki: "Rei-kun, listen. Can you see any negatives on me?"

Rei: "Wha... I cannot actually. Honestly, you are my friend. I can't really say something negative about you. Nor can I really see something negative on you."

Chiaki: "Then same goes for me. I see you as kind and good friend. I don't care and I am willing to ignore your sins. Thats what friends do. And I know that you are not some kind of psychopath playing charade on me. You are a nice person, no matter what you had to do as part of your duty. Policemen also happen to kill people, sometimes. And they are not scorned."

Rei: "They are not getting paid for killing people though. Except for America. But I get you. Friends always see each other in good light. I always saw you like that. But I wasn't sure if you saw me in that manner as well."

Chiaki: "Don't worry. I see you in good light and I always will. *smile* I kind of forgot that you are not used to common human relations like everyone else. But you don't have to worry. I will always take care of you, as my first real friend."

Rei: "Nanami-san.... *blush* Thanks. You are such an amazing friend."

Chiaki didn't reply. She just smiled at the boy's happiness. Yeah, Rei was really looking happy after hearing her words. Both of them were really lucky to meet each other. Or more likely, to both be the only ones who came to school that day. They both shared a quick but tight hug. It was unusual for Rei to hug someone. Last time he hugged someone, he broke his spine and crushed his entrails, on purpose. This school life is really getting to him. Friends, video games, school, relationships, hugs. If other shinobis from his village could see him right now, they would be laughing their asses off. Shattered asses though, if Rei hears them laughing.

Rei: "So, are we going to play something?"

Chiaki: "Of course. I have some new co-op games I wanted to play with you and Hajime-kun. Speaking of which, where is he?"

Rei: "No idea. Maybe I should take a look for him? You wait here." 

Chiaki: "Ok. Don't take too long."

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