Ch. 5: Dodgeball and Confession

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Few days have passed since realization of Chiaki's plan to get her class together. And it worked splendidly. All students of class 77-B are now much closer then they were before. When compared to before, when they were doing group activities only when ordered, now they are spending time with each other more and more. Even though they have not much in common, with Chiaki's help, they are much more open to each other.

Class 77-B currently has a Physical Education with Mr. Taro. One of the teachers who seems really serious about his job. All of them are wearing their assigned P.E. uniforms which consists white T-shirt and dark blue shorts.  The lesson takes place outside of gym area due to being good weather. Some students like Akane, Nekomaru, Sonia, Ibuki are warming themselves up, while others just prefer to stand at sides minding their own business and not really caring about P.E. 

Mr. Taro: "Okay, listen up everyone! I know that most of you really do not care about Physical Education. But I have been teaching this subject for about 8 years now and I am not going to let you slack off! I am not good at sports is not an excuse. I want you to do your best when having lessons with me! Even if it has to break you!"

Mr. Taro is a well-built man with his age being around 35. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a black tank top and blue sweatpants, typical P.E. teacher outfit. Nekomaru said that is he a really important person in world of sports. He said that Mr. Taro is a proud owner of multiple golden medals he won at Olympics. When we look at his achievements, we could probably call him an Ultimate, but he actually never attended Hope's Peak. But his skills in various sports could make people believe that he is or more likely was one. Nekomaru also said that he is pretty strict but can really force someone to do their maximum. Hope's Peak was actually really lucky that they could have someone like him as one of their teachers.

Hiyoko: "Oh jeez. I don't want to do sports. They are so booooring."

Hiyoko tried to speak quietly as she spoke with Mahiru, but Mr. Taro seemed to still hear her.

Mr. Taro: "Seems like you really like to let your mouth loose, Saionji. Why not you show us something else you can do?"

He then picked up a ball and threw it Hiyoko's direction. She jumped away to not get hit as it was flying at her really fast. Mahiru, who was standing next to her friend and was also almost hit by the ball started complaining.

Mahiru: "Hey, what do you think you are doing? You call yourself a man to throw a ball at girl like that? And you are a teacher on top of that!"

Mr. Taro: "She shouldn't talk without thinking. You know, I wanted her to show me her skills. I did not want her to get hurt. If she shows she can do something with the ball, I will respect her. Thats how you earn respect."

Hiyoko: "Are you a total dumbass?! I am a dancer, not a sportsman or whatever! And as if you didn't want to hurt me! That could really hurt my pretty face!"

Mr. Taro: "If you have caught it, then it wouldn't hurt you."

Mr. Taro then went on to focus on other students, especially those who are better at sports much to Hiyoko's and Mahiru's anger.

Mahiru: "Hmph! What a horrible man!"

He then turned to Nekomaru and Akane with intention to make them show others how it is done.

Mr. Taro: "Nidai! Owari! Be so kind and show others how sports are properly done!"

Both: "Okay."

Akane and Nekomaru being both skilled in sports, started doing some flashy tricks with the ball Taro threw them. Every other student just silently watched them without pretty much knowing what to do.

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