Ch. 11: Necessary talk

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-Kamizuki village training grounds--Few weeks ago-

Rei Kamizuki and Minato Kamizuki are getting ready for their sparring match. It has been some time since their last match, when Minato suffered another of his many defeats against Rei. But this time. This time, he will win. He has trained like a madman to perfect his combat prediction for months and now, he is confident that he will finally defeat his eternal rival. He is finally going to put Rei in his place and prove that he is better one of them. Just like he was always destined to do so. Overcoming Rei would also be the first step in his father's plan in taking over the leadership of the whole clan.

He readied his stance with his right palm held in front of him while his left hand was hidden behind his back. Rei, on other hand, put on more practical karate-like stance. Rei could feel Minato's calm aura slowly fade away, while more sinister one, was starting to take its place. 

Rei: "Are you going to show your real you? This quickly?"

Master Izo, the match's referee took his place in-between them, ready to call the match. Both young shinobi were ready to give it their all, with intention to put their opponent to ground. Izo was just waiting for the best moment to call it, so the fight can get the explosive first exchange.

Izo: "Very well, younglings! You can begin in three, two on-"

Messenger: "Young master!"

Before the match could officially begin, a messenger barged into the training grounds. According to his shinobi uniform, consisting of more than one color, in his case having both black and white colors, this messenger reports directly to the clan's head.

Messenger: "Young master, I apologize for interrupting you. But your father requested audience with you immediately. He insists that it is urgent and that you shall go see him right now."

As messenger finished talking, Minato immediately dropped his stance and started talking, with still friendly voice and tone.

Minato: "I am so sorry. But we are in the middle of something. I am pretty sure Kenzo-sama can wait."

It was obvious that Minato did not want to miss his chance to prove that he is superior to Rei. But messenger did not have any means to pull back.

Messenger: "Kenzo-sama told me that he needs to see him immediately. That means right know."

Authoritative tone in messengers tone caused to Minato stand down and let him have it his own way.

Rei: "I am sorry Minato-san. Our clash of the century must wait. If father says that it is urgent, then it cannot wait."

Minato: "Y-yeah. Our... clash of the century....."

As Minato talked, Rei was already on his way to meet his father, not waiting for him to reply.

Izo: "Seems like young master Rei has important business to attend to. MINATO-KUN! Why don't you find another opponent then?"

Minato: "...."

Other trainees immediately noticed that he was not in the best mood after being denied his fight, and decided to take a step back when Izo looked their direction while trying to find a proper opponent for Minato.

Minato: "I would prefer to go, Master Izo. I have important business to attend to."

Izo: "You are not interested in training today? Not like someone like you would need it that much but you are still young and you need-"

Minato: " *places his hand on Izo's shoulder and talks in calm tone* I would prefer to go, Master Izo. If you don't mind."

Izo: " *gulps* Very well, then. Go if you want."

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