Ch. 15: Three

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Before we get to the chapter, I would like to inform everyone about the direction of this story. So as you noticed, a I have a decent number of OCs in my story. I originally did not plan to have so many, but as I was writing Rei and especially Kenzo, I decided to expand the whole Kamizuki clan to a certain level. Up to the level, where it concerns the whole arc being revolved about them. And this arc is being planned to be more of a "first half" of this story, with canon Danganronpa mostly continuing afterwards in second year, when Class 78 comes around. But I am still planning this to be A Danganronpa story, so even when story is revolving around OCs, I will try to make it seem like Danganronpa and not make it into a completely different story that people did not come for. Danganronpa characters will still have an important role in this story, some more, some less. 

Another reason for me introducing that huge amount of OCs and the "OC arc", is because I like building up conflicts and important story events and I wanted to give Rei and others a proper development, so his clash with despair in the future will have more impact. I decided to not make this story a typical "First name Last name x Harem" type of story, as there is a lot of them. Instead I wanted to do something heavier on storytelling. If we could call it that XD So I am sorry if you are expecting your typical harem x reader story, but I wanted to do THIS especially. Also there will be some more OCs in this chapter and then, I will only add another if it is necessary or as a filler side characters. But you don't have to worry, these next few chapters  after this one, will focus on what will be happening in Hope's Peak and on Rei and his classmates.

So if you made it to this point in the story, thank you for reading. I really appreciate it.


-Kamizuki village conference room-

In the historical records of a Kamizuki clan, you can read about a certain former Head of the clan. A man that was remembered in clan's history as a longest ruling Head of a clan, ruling for about 50 years. Living through both World Wars and Cold war, while also being around through the biggest technological evolution of humanity. His name was Jiro Kamizuki, The Whirlwind

What was his reason for living so long? Was he a massive coward that never left the safety of his home? Was he just incredibly lucky? Was he a non-human? No! All wrong! He lived and ruled for so many years solely because of his toughness and resilience as a man. The man, who at one point suffered with three deadly diseases at the same time, and lived through all of them. But because of his bad luck with catching diseases, especially STDs, through his long life, he only managed to have a five children in total. And at the age of 89, before leaving to live his last years in the forests and hills of Mount Fuji as a hermit, he passed the torch of clan's patriarch to his youngest son, Kenzo. 16 years old at time. Kenzo is now 32, and his father is probably long dead. No one ever confirmed his death or found his body in the mountains. But he would have to be 105 now, so no chance that bastard is alive, right?

Anyways, Kenzo, together with Izo, who is standing beside him, is kneeling on a mat in Kamizuki clan's conference room, located in Palace. He is awaiting an arrival of his siblings on the meeting he invited them for, in order to talk about the upcoming threat in the form of Daisuke. Even since has Kenzo become a Head, his siblings did not interact with him that much as before. It was not for their envy of him, but simply because they lacked almost any free time, considering their responsibilities.  Even though all of them belong to the main line, only currently Kenzo and Rei belong to the so-called "Main-main line". Direct line consisting only consisting the Head and heir. Everyone else, who is a close family with Head, gets all the privileges of a high rank(and important job positions in a clan if they are worthy), but has minimal succession and inheritance rights. Thus, being the Main line only in written, documented form.

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