Ch. 22: It's not my fault

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It all started as thought. A simple idea that he knew how to carry out. He expected to ask a few questions and after few minutes, he will go his own way towards his objective. Due to his stubbornness, it became a slight inconvenience. As the time went on and more people started to stick their noses in his business, it eventually started to annoy and later, even upset him. The prime simplicity of his plan that it was supposed to be, was gone. All those obstacles that got in a way of his plan, started to bite him more and more, until eventually... they bit off more than they could chew. And all that annoyance and upset, turned into outright anger, directed at the trio standing before him.

He was standing still, eyeing them with his eyes, that now carried a sort of reddish glint inside of them. His bony and muscly hands got finally a breath of fresh air after being hidden behind those bandages all that time. The aura that was radiating from him, made them all stand in their places, motionless. They didn't know what to do, nor how to even react.

The tense atmosphere was kept completely still for few minutes, leaving both sides to eye each other. But eventually it was broken, at least for one side.

Mio: "Holy shit! I can almost taste it! That tremendous power that I gave a birth to! *sinister laugh* First time I felt all of it was when you were still a baby and kept kicking me from inside. You almost made a hole inside me!"

Rei: "....."

Mio: "And the last time, when you actually got to use this much power was... when you killed me! And now... you need to use it at some bottom-feeders. Only because you let them piss you off this much. That is... quite a downgrade."

Rei could feel that huge power boost surging right through him. It was indeed some time, since he had to release that much. Since he had to use this much effort. Back then, it was like trying to lift something with nothing more than your arm-strength. But now, it is as if he gave his whole back into the lifting. Last time, it was indeed when he fought and killed his dear mother, who was more than keen on defending herself.

He never knew how to manually release this much effort, but back then, his instincts kept screaming at him. Telling him that if he does not fight seriously, he will surely die to his own mom. And so, his genes woke up and he used his full power at his disposal for the first time in his life. But right now, what awoken those genes inside of him, was not the imminent threat at his life. It was the most primal feeling of all, the anger.

Rei: "I feel so... different. So... *smiles* alive. Is it how does it feel... to go all out?"

Mio: " *smirks* Sure it does. Going all out surely feels refreshing! Aaaah, it reminds me of the day when I murdered your father's would-be-wife and her friends. It feels as if it was yesterday."

Rei: "I feel like I could do things I couldn't do before."

Even though he was visibly angry just a second ago, the process of releasing all of that inept power, caused him to switch mood rather quickly. He felt almost euphoric.

Mio: "Of course you do. Why don't you celebrate with your friends over there? *points* "

As she pointed, Rei was reminded of their presence instantly. The trio that made him this way, kept looking at him from the distance, still unsure what to do now. It was only after they were directly addressed, when one of them finally spoke.

Rei: "So... where were we?"

Kyosuke: "I don't know what happened with you right now, but I think that we should cease the fighting altogether."

Rei: "Huh?"

Juzo: "K-Kyosuke! Do you really think that it will work out?"

Kyosuke: " *whispers* I don't know. But... it seems like we have no choice."

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