Ch. 9: To Kyoto We Go

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It has finally come down to school trip. After it was delayed due to certain "incident" happening, it is finally time. Well, not right now, but tomorrow. The whole B section of class 77 is going on school trip to Kyoto like it was arranged some time back. Originally, it was supposed to bring them all more together, but due to recent events, it seems like that this class is already really close even without the trip. But that does not mean that trip is getting cancelled. Ultimates are going to see Kyoto one way or another.

Currently, there are only few members of class 77-B in the classroom. Those are Sonia, as a proper student not missing any classes (except the first ones), Chiaki and Rei as class rep and assistant of class rep respectively, Fuyuhiko and Peko who both became more active with class' shenanigans, Akane and Nekomaru who were shouting a conversation, Nagito, who was preaching hope like always, Chisa, who was trying to organize present students and finally, Kazuichi, who was.... there.

 Chiaki: "It is shame that not everyone is here. I would like to talk about something regarding the tomorrow's trip. Specifically about our accommodation, with Mitarai-san, as he was the one doing reservation. Apparently, he had access to some "special discount coupons"."

Chisa: "I am pretty sure he took care of everything needed. He and others not present are surely just preparing for school trip and packing their stuff."

Chiaki: "Yeah. Hopefully, everything is going to be fine and everything was arranged."

Nagito: "Did you say, hope? Did you also start to preach it, Nanami-san?"

Chiaki: "Eeeeh, I-I-"

Sonia: "Pay him no mind Nanami. And I am pretty sure everything that was needed to be done, was actually done."

Chiaki: "I hope so too. I am just a little nervous as it is my first organized trip. The responsibility sure is something to bear. But I shouldn't talk about responsibility with you, Sonia-san. I can imagine ruling a country must be much harder."

Sonia: "Oh, it sure is hard. But I am not doing it alone. Everyone is helping me. It is same here. You are not doing it alone. We are helping you. All of us. We ARE with you. *smiles* "

Chiaki: "Oh, thank you, Sonia-san. I needed to hear that."

Kazuichi: "Damn, Sonia-san is indeed amazing. But I should be thinking about some way to get her to like me. This school trip might be a good chance for that."

Sonia: "Nanami-san, you shouldn't be afraid. After all, you have Kamizuki-kun at your side. All he has done for us, and for you, he is indeed amazing. I am surprised you two are not dating yet."

Chiaki: " *blushes* What?! Pl-please stop! We are just friends. And I really don't want to ruin that! *smirk* But what about you and Tanaka-san? Hmmm?"

Sonia: " *blushes* W-What? We are just f-friends."

Both then looked at each other and laughed at their "squabble". Meanwhile, Rei has been talking to Peko and Fuyuhiko about some "gossips from underworld". It was actually refreshing to see those two talk to others, even if it was just Rei for the most part. But they had their topics and from what she once heard, it was better to just let them talk by themselves. 

It turned out, that Natsumi came back to school as well. At least that is what Fuyuhiko said. After having their talk, he told her that he is not going to abandon nor look down on her even if she is in reserve course.  That made her actually realize her mistakes and made her give Mahiru and Sato an honest apology.  Not sure if they accepted, though. Considering that it is Mahiru, she probably did. Not sure about Sato. She sounded more rough than Mahiru.

When it came to Rei's school life, it was doing great. He was spending time with Chiaki, playing videogames, with Nekomaru and Akane, working out and now with Fuyuhiko and Peko, just casually chatting about their experiences with.... stuff. And he was friends almost with the whole class, maybe except Hiyoko, who was still angry at him for reasons he didn't know or cared for. His objective of getting more normal life and having friends was basically accomplished. But there was another thing. His objective of learning how to have fun. Fun regarding not just winning or losing, but having fun while doing literally anything with his friends. He is still to try so many new things in this school and he intends to try them all. Especially on the school trip.

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