Chapter 6

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Brooke POV
I woke up the next morning exhausted from yesterday. Making social interaction is hard. When I looked over at y/n she was still asleep but whispering and shaking.  I should probably wake her up. As I got closer I could hear what she was saying. "Who are you? No, stop. Get away from her." I gently shook her and she woke up and punched me in the throat again. "Ack," I fell over holding my throat. "Do you always aim for the throat?" "I am so sorry," she sat up and rubbed her head. "What's up with your head?" I questioned. "I just have a headache, I think," she stared into space before bouncing right back to reality. "This wouldn't have anything to do with you talking in your sleep, would it?" I asked. She snapped back, "it was just a bad dream, I'm fine." She smiled. I just shrugged and left the room.

y/n POV
"It was just a bad dream, I'm fine," I forced a smile. Brooke just shrugged and left. I have no idea what that was. There was a man and woman, they were arguing and then he shot her. A child ran towards the woman and then the dream repeated all over again. No matter how loud I screamed or what I did, nothing changed. Who were those people? Their faces were blurred but I felt like I knew them somehow. Once the tears started rolling down my cheeks I couldn't stop them. Silent screams came from my mouth until the tears just stopped. I stood up, wiped the tears, splashed some water on my face, put on a smile and walked out towards the cafeteria.

Janson POV
I walked up to the front just as I saw y/n walk in. Why was she so late? She better not have been exploring. I need to be watching her more closely and keeping better tabs on her. "Attention" I yelled. "Alice, Berry, Walt, Samantha, Denis, Edger, Erin, Sally, Henry, Tion and David. That's all for today. I wish I could take more, I do." That should be sufficient enough considering how many kids have already been called. 

Aris POV
"We still need a key card but how will we get one?" I questioned. Thomas stood up and said, "I have a plan." Newt grabbed his arm and said "no, your plans are horrible. Sit down and try not to do anything stupid." As soon as Newt let go of Thomas's arm he was off towards the guards. y/n was the first one up to chase after Thomas then Newt followed. Once they were up everyone followed close behind. Thomas tried to push past one of the two guards and they shoved him back, hard. They started yelling and getting aggressive at the group. That's when Janson walked up. "Is there a problem here?" He questioned.

y/n POV
Ratman walked towards us, "Is there a problem here," He asked. When he was distracted by Thomas, I grabbed one of the guard's key cards. "No, not at all," I responded. "We were just leaving," I nodded my head back at the table. Thomas gave me a pleading look and I looked back at him like, "you wanna try? I dare you." He turned around and started back to the table. I started to follow when Ratman grabbed my arm. "Make sure you stay out of trouble. Maybe those friends and that boyfriend of yours are no good." "Thanks for the advice," I sent him a fake sweet smile. Like geez, who the shuck did this guy think he was. I got back to the table and Thomas was pouting.

"What's your problem Thomas?" "I was sure I could get the key card," He grumbled. y/n laughed "What key card?" She asked. Like girl, seriously you were there. But then she held up the key card away from the view of Ratman. "Oh, you mean this one?" Everyone started laughing. "I don't care that she's dating you Newt, That's my girl," I piped up and high-fived y/n.

Aris POV
"Okay, everyone. y/n I'll come to get you around an hour after lights out. Then we'll come to tell you guys what's going on with this place. Until then just play it cool and listen to the guards." Everyone nodded their heads and dispersed.

Brooke POV
Okay, I need to get closer to Gally. I walked toward him and asked "I've got some free time. Wanna go sneak off somewhere.... quieter?" He nodded his head and followed after me like a little puppy.

                 ................Time Skip..............

AU NOTE: Hey sorry guys. I know it's coming out a lot slower the I originally thought it was going to be. But I am working hard to try and get as much done in the minimum spare time I do have. 😂 Thank you all so much for the support and keep on reading.

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