Chapter 16

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Minho POV
I turned around to see Winston lying at the bottom of the dune. Before I could react I heard Thomas yell down to him, take one step and went tumbling down. He popped his head up, "I'm good and that I meant to do that." I rolled my eyes, like that was true. Thomas was known for his two left feet ever since he first arrived in the glade.

y/n POV
Everyone slid down the dune and ran towards Winston. In the state he was in, it didn't look like he would be able to carry on by himself. Something caught my eye. An old shopping cart, I walked over to it and it basically fell apart when I touched it. "Gally, you and your builder's brain, get over here," I yelled. We were able to tie or meld the cart or what used to be a cart into some kind of pull sled.

Noah POV
I wanted to be helpful and show y/n I knew what I was doing. "Look up ahead," I pointed towards the mountains in the far distance. "That must be the mountains where the people are." Aris piped up, "Right arm." I nodded "right, so we should head that way." "That's a long way off," Newt replied.

y/n POV
I could hear the acid drip from Newt's comment. What was his problem? Noah was trying to be helpful. "I think Noah was just trying to be helpful Newt and he has a point. We need to find the right arm," I nodded at Aris and he smiled. "Thomas said he heard Ratman talk about the mountains, so that's our best chance. It has to be." Fry laughed, "oh look at you trying to be all inspiring. I'll take the first shift on Winston and yes there will be shifts. I ain't pulling his weight the entire time." Winston coughed, "Like you could handle that Fry, you're a weakling," he started smiling. "Oh come on, Winston he is stronger than you by a long shot. But I could still take him of course," Minho laughed and flexed his arms. Fry just shoved him to the ground and Minho stood up spitting sand. "I wasn't ready, next time I will be and just watch your back Frypan." I laughed and rolled my eyes as we started off towards the mountains. But I felt a tug and turned around to see Newt.

Newt POV
I pulled y/n back. "Hey, what was that earlier? You're dating me, not Noah, you're supposed to side with me, not him." y/n sighed and shook her head. "Is this what this is about? Newt, I side with whoever I agree with, just because we're dating does not mean I will always agree with you. And Noah and I are just friends, I don't see him like that, I see you that way. I chose you, remember, and I still choose you" She leaned in and pressed a light kiss on my lips. "It doesn't seem like he understands and feels that way," I muttered. She frowned and looked over her shoulder ahead. "Newt stop it, you need to trust me," she looked back at me. "I trust you, it's him I don't trust." She sighed again, "I can't with you right now. Now I am going to join the group that we are severely behind, are you coming with me?" She looks me in the eyes with sadness and seriousness. I nodded and started walking beside her. We walked in silence until we reached the group, at that point she left my side and went to talk to Minho. I think I may have messed up, shuck.

y/n POV
Newt was jacked. Noah was trustworthy and he was a nice friend. F.R.I.E.N.D. Like why couldn't he just trust me and understand that? I almost turned and left Newt standing there in the sand but I needed him here with me. I'm mad at him right now and I just needed some space. But I wasn't going to leave him. I might try and talk to him again later and work this out, maybe slap him too, just to be safe. But for now, I'll hang out with Minho. Speaking of talking, I should set up a girl talk with Minho and Fry. In the glade it used to be Alby, Fry, Minho and I would set up gossip nights, which just turned into girl talks. I was the only girl in the glade with no girls to talk with, so I made do with what I had. We haven't had one of those nights since we lost Alby, it might be good for us to do it again. I nugged Minho and he looked at me, "what would happen if I suggested we do a FAM! night soon? F for Fry, A for Alby, M for Minho and an exclamation mark for me cause I bring all the fun." I winked at Minho and he laughed. "Alby loved those nights, I say let's do it, after all those things are always fun." Minho flagged down Fry, as Fry approached Minho looked at me and I nodded. "FAM! night soon my friend," and Minho winked. Fry laughed then nodded and counted down from 3. "3, 2, 1," and cue the scream. "WOOOO," we all yelled in sync. We all started laughing and everyone looked at us like we were insane. I looked over at Aris walking kinda behind the group. "Hey guys, do you mind if I invite Aris to FAM! night. He would and could never replace Alby but then we have another A, plus I think he would bring some good info into the share circle." Fry and Minho shared a look and nodded. "Why the hell not," Fry shrugged and laughed. Minho yelled over to Aris, "Aris come over here dude." Aris walked over and we planted our invitation into his mind. He laughed "FAM! night? Count me in." Maybe the scorch wouldn't be that bad.

                  ................Time Skip..............

For those who are confused, jacked means that a person is messed up in the head. It's a term of glades slang.

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