Chapter 24

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I was about to smack Newt.

Minho POV
I just smacked Newt.

Newt POV
Ow, Minho just smacked me.

Minho POV
"That was not the first time and it will certainly not be the last time I ever smack you. Keep that in mind and calm down. I get it y/n is an attractive young chick currently hanging out with a boy who is clearly head over heels with her." Fry shook his head and sighed. "Minho I doubt that is helping. So do your job, shut up and look pretty." Fry was right, I was the pretty one, but I was shocked. I gasped loudly, "how dare you." Fry rolled his eyes and ignored me, "ignore the little drama queen. Listen Newt I know this is different. In the maze, you really didn't have to worry about this. But you don't have to worry about y/n. She has always been independent but she always comes back to you. We all know she has a way with people. But it is gonna be okay. One she chose you, two she is happy with that decision and three she's clueless, she has no clue Noah is hitting on her. You have nothing to worry about. Trust me, we would know if there was anything. Just breathe."

Newt POV
"But... but... but..." I started. Smack, Minho hit me again. I glared at him. "What I told you it wouldn't be the last time. I practically warned you," then he stuck his tongue out at me.

I couldn't help but break out in laughter and soon the other two joined in. But it was quickly interrupted by Thomas. "Guys follow me, no time, let's go," and he turned to run. Thomas looked exhausted but he had the energy of a 5-year-old that just consumed a concerning amount of caffeine. Regardless we followed after him.

Noah POV
I was just about to ask y/n about Newt to get some more insight into the situation, but Thomas came running toward us. We entered the room and there was a man tied up on a chair. I saw y/n make her way over to Newt leaning into him.

y/n POV
I spotted Newt as I entered. It felt like forever since we last had a conversation. I intertwined my fingers with his and leaned into him. I turned to watch what was going on.

Jorge POV
"Listen. I don't enjoy hurting you. Okay? Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?" Thomas looked in shock. "Wait, this is Marcus?" The guy tied up laughed, "the kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?" Thomas stood up tall and proud, "yes, I'd like to think." y/n rolled my eyes and yelled. "Don't trip and fall over with that huge ego of yours." Marcus looked at her and nodded. "Ah, so you're the brains." Not a bad comeback. She was someone I could see tolerating, maybe even getting along with. I turned back to Marcus. "I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me, and I'll make you a deal. You can come with us." Marcus smirked and shook his head. "I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal. You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity. I'm talking about supply and demand. WCKD wants all the Immunes they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in... they get drunk, they have a good time. And then, later, WCKD comes in... and they separate the weak from the pack." Marus just shrugged his shoulders. What a little son of a bitch. I punched him so hard that the chair tipped over and he landed on his side. "I changed my mind, Hermano. I do enjoy hurting you." I kicked him in the stomach and then again.

Marus POV
I could feel the blood pooling in my mouth. "Okay, okay, I'll talk. I don't know much, these guys move around a lot. There is an outpost in the mountains. But it is far and you guys got half of WCKD on your asses. You'll never make it." Jorge smirked at me and I could tell what he was thinking. "Not Bertha," I whimpered.

Minho POV
We were making good time with this rusty old truck. If only Jorge would let me drive, we'd be there in record speed. But he said he'd rather die of old age than cause of me. Then I made the mistake of telling him he was old and that today was a fine day to die... I got thrown into the back seat.

y/n POV
We reached a point where we couldn't keep on driving. We had barely taken two steps when we heard the gunfire. "Get down," I pulled Newt and Fry behind a truck. "Where did those bloody shots come from," Newt questioned. I stifled back a laugh, I couldn't help but laugh when his British accent brought out his British words. I looked over and saw Jorge handing Thomas something and covering his ears. The next thing I know we have guns pointed directly at us.

??? POV
"Drop it now." The boy didn't drop it. "I said now," I repositioned the gun at his head. "Everyone up on their feet. Slowly, let's go." I stopped to see what we had but my eyes caught someone. "Aris?"

Aris POV
I heard one of the people say my name. I turned to see Harriet. "Oh my god Harriet," I turned to look at the other one and to my surprise, I knew her too, "Sonya, holy crap you guys." Gally piped up, "What is going on?" I turned to him "we were in the maze together. I can't believe this. I thought you guys were dead." Sonya laughed, "right back at yea. But the right arm rescued us." The right arm? That's why we were here. y/n stepped in, "wait the right arm. Do you guys know where it is? Would you be willing to help us?" Harriet turned back to Soyna and nodded. "Hop in," she gestured to the jeep that was pulling up behind her.

Brooke POV
We did it... the right arm was so close. I didn't know how I felt about it. But getting into the jeep I clung onto Gally's hand and didn't let go.

................Time Skip..............

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