Chapter 4

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y/n POV
Brooke had paused after I headed back to the table so I took this opportunity to warn them of what was about to occur. Fry gave me a weird look but just shrugged. She walked up to the table shortly afterwards. "Everyone, this is Brooke. Brooke, this is Thomas, Frypan, Gally, Winston, Minho and Newt," I introduce everyone.

Gally POV
She was beautiful. Sure she was like the 2nd girl I've ever seen but wow, just wow.

Newt, Fry, Winston, Minho and Thomas POV
There was something off about her. I don't know what but something didn't seem right.

Brooke POV
So yes I was supposed to be getting close to y/n and everyone but they didn't seem to like me. Except for Gally, he seemed like a perfect cover. I went over to sit by him and extended my hand "hi, I'm Brooke," I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He kinda just stared at me for a second before reciprocating the handshake.

Gally POV
I started to say something when I was interrupted by Minho. "I can't believe that we weren't the only maze. What maze are you from Brooke?" He questioned very suspiciously. "Oh, I'm not from a maze." She paused, almost thinking for a second. "I was rescued out in the scotch by these people. I was brought in after y/n." The whole group looks doubtful but I'm just mesmerized by her, she can't be lying.

Jason POV
"Attention" I yelled. "Conner, Evalyn, Justin, Peter, Allison, Squidy, Franklin and Abigail that's all for today. I wish I could take more, I do. There are tons of cheering around the people who I've called out. Ugh, I hate kids. I glanced over at y/n and wow just wow. I see Brookesitting with them and flirting with the kid with huge eyebrows. Whatever she's doing she better have this under control.

y/n POV
Some other guys walked up to our table and started to talk to Minho. Tell him about why the ratman was calling out names. "Well he says there's a safe zone but he can only take a few of us," one of the boys said. I looked over the Cafeteria and saw 2 guys sitting together. The other boy saw this and piped up "That one boy in the stripes has been here the longest, almost 2 weeks. The other one has only been here for about 1 week. He was in the maze with us. But the guy in the stripes was in a maze full of girls, he lucked out." He winked at me and I just kinda gave him a confused look. All of a sudden, his eyes went from kind to full of fear and he turned back to Minho. I looked over and saw Newt giving him a death stare. I nudged him. "Hey, what was that for? He was giving us information." Newt just shrugs "I didn't like the way he winked at you." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Newt you don't have to worry just calm down, okay?" I looked over at the table again and made a decision, I stood up and walked over to the table. I could hear Newt calling my name. "Hey, I'm y/n. Do you guys want to come and join our table over there?" I pointed to the group, them watching me cautiously. The kid in the striped jacket looked at the brunette and nodded. "I'm Aris and this is Noah."

Aris POV
She seemed cool and the guys seemed to already trust her. She might be able to help me. Plus Rachel had already been taken and all of the girls from my maze had escaped. It would be nice to have a friend that was a girl.

Noah POV
She was amazing. We walked over to the table and met all the guys. There was Minho, Fry, Thomas, Winston and Gally; they all seemed chill. But then there was Newt. Sure he seemed cool but he kept looking at me weird. "So I was stuck in a maze with all guys and never had a girl come up. I don't think that's fair. Since you were the only girl, did they treat you differently?" I asked, trying to get background info on her. "Well at first yes, then I beat up Gally and I practically owned their asses," she laughed. "You did not own us," Newt argued. Then Minho laughed "She knew how to manipulate us. Oh, and Newt, if she owned anyone it would be you. Oh, y/n... she's amazing. Does she like me? No, maybe, no." He mocked Newt. "You wouldn't shut up about her until she finally made the move." "It wasn't even technically a move. I was just proving Bruce wrong, but I'm glad I did," y/n replied, kissing Newt on the cheek. So y/n and Newt are a couple. That explains the death stares. Well, that just won't do. One of the guards yelled, "Okay dinner's over. Back to your rooms."

Aris POV
I'll have to find y/n's room tonight and ask her for help. The guard escorted me to my room and practically shoved me in. They had been keeping a close eye on me after I tried to explore. 

................Time Skip..............

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