Chapter 8

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Aris POV
It was almost time. Where was y/n? I hear a knock from the wall. I opened up the vent to see y/n sitting there. "Sorry I was caught up doing something." She sighed. "Let me guess, that something was sucking face with Newt." I laughed. She looked at me dead-faced, reached back and threw her shoe at me. Hit me right in the forehead. "OWWWW, What the hell?" I yell. She starts laughing... at MY pain. "Ready to go, or are you going to keep whining like you just got hit," she says. "I did just get hit," I complain. She just rolls her eyes and starts to crawl deeper into the vents. God damn it.

y/n POV
I was almost at the dropdown when Aris angrily whispered "y/n slow the heck down." I stopped and looked down through the vent and saw the scientist lady exiting the restricted area. Aris came up beside me and started to speak, I instantly covered his mouth with my hand. I peered down and saw the lady look up, I leaned back and held my breath. After a few moments, I looked back down and she was gone. Once we swing down, I hold my breath as I swipe the key card, I hope it works. Ding and the green light appears. We walk in and are welcomed with a huge gust of steam. I look to my left and see these creatures in large tubes, they look like baby grievers. We continued and another glass door slid open. All these kids were hung up like clothes on a line, each of them attached to multiple tubes. I walked up to a girl and brushed her hair out of her eyes. She looked drained and on the verge of a living death. "Rachel?" whispered Aris. "He took her the first night. I told her it was gonna be okay," He sighs and shakes his head. All of a sudden we hear the door open and I spin behind the machine operator thingy. Ratman came rushing in. " Why does she want to meet right now?" The guy behind him shrugged. I leaned forward and the machine made a beeping noise. He stopped moving and his head swung over in my direction. I looked over at Aris and he put his finger to his mouth, I just shut my eyes and waited. Finally, Ratman continued walking and told the guy "set it up." A big screen popped up and the blonde-haired lady appeared. Wait... she shot herself, she's dead? "Janson, how is it going?" "Very well, but we had an attack," He muttered. The blonde lady shook her head. "As long as none of the subjects were harmed, I do not care. Anyways, I need more." Jason looked up "but we just got in new subjects." "Janson, your job is to protect the children from the outsides, so do your job and get me more serum. But make sure they feel nothing. Do you understand me?" Janson sighed, "yes I understand, we'll prep the new arrivals and they won't feel a thing." She hung up the call, and with that, he walked out of the lab.

Aris POV
I looked at y/n and saw the panic on her face. "Aris, we're the new guys."

................Time Skip..............

AU: I know this one is a little shorter. But I wanted to post twice today. And it just made sense for where the story was at. 👌🏼

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