Chapter 19

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y/n POV
I had no idea what I was doing. I had gotten outside and saw sand for miles but no Newt. I heard a noise to the left and spotted him but as he saw me he continued walking. "Newt," I whispered and I took after him. He just kept on walking even as I caught up to him. I just walked next to him in silence. After a few minutes, I lost my balance and I closed my eyes waiting for impact, but it never came. When I opened my eyes Newt had his arms wrapped around me and I was facing him. I leaned up and gently kissed his lips and then he dropped me. "That doesn't mean I'm not frustrated," he sighed, shaking his head. I got up and brushed off my pants. I turned him to face me again, "Newt even I'll admit what you walked in on wasn't good. But I had just woken up and had no balance. If any other guy had been there the same thing would've happened." He opened his mouth to speak but I pressed my finger to his lips, "and before you say," I put my hand on my hip and deepened my voice in a British accent, "It would've been okay with any other guy, but Noah I don't trust." Newt stifled back a laugh and sighed. "You're right, you're always right." I laughed, "That's so true, thank you for admitting that." I reached up and squished his face and then kissed his nose. He just stood there taking it. "Come on, it's time to head back," I grabbed hold of Newt's hand and set back in the direction of the old abandoned building.

Gally POV
We had been walking for what felt like forever and I was done with sand. Left... sand, right... sand, everywhere sand. It was now dark and we stopped to rest, in the middle of the sand. I had sand where sand should not be. I turned to Brooke, she looked deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts?" Her head whipped in my direction and my face morphed into a smile. She shook her head "ah nothing, don't worry about it."

We started a fire but Winston's death was heavy in the air. We thought we were immune but I guess not all of us were. Safe to say everyone is a lot more on edge now. "I never thought I'd say it. I miss the glade." I tear rolled down my face and everyone just looked down. y/n came over and laid her head on my shoulder.

Brooke POV
What was good and what was evil? That thought was swirling around in my head and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was walking the wrong path. The line had been blurred forcefully a long time ago. As I laid down next to Gally I stared up at the sky, not sure what my next move was supposed to be. Just as I began to drift off, Aris started yelling. Everyone got up and started running. I turned around and saw huge storm clouds, you could hear the thunder and lightning. I grabbed Gally's hand instinctively and started to run.

Gally POV
I looked down and Brooke had my hand grasped tightly in hers. This was the first time her affection felt genuine. I picked up my pace as we ran towards the lights.

Minho POV
I could hear the clouds overhead and I looked up to see the bright lights flashing across the sky, then darkness. I felt like I was floating in mid-air, I could hear muffled yelling but I couldn't see anyone.

y/n POV
"Minho," I screamed as he got hit by lightning. I ran back to him and Noah grabbed my hand. I turned around, his eyes were begging me to come with him. I ripped my hand away from him and sprinted towards Minho. Newt showed up shortly after I made it to Minho. Newt and I dragged him inside the building. I started chest compressions as Newt led the side of his head down towards his mouth. "I can feel his breath, he's alive." Newt sighed and sat back. He wasn't waking up and I was getting worried. I smacked Minho as hard as I could and screamed right in his ear. "Minho, you shank, you get your ass up." He sprung up and shook his head. Newt and I helped him up and I jumped into his arms, crying into his shoulder.

Minho POV
I heard murmurs but I was still floating. Then I felt it, sharp pain and her voice in my ear. I sprung up and once I got up she jumped into my arms. "You can't scare me like that," she cried into my shoulder. I looked at y/n, tears streaking her face. I felt lightheaded again and I almost passed out again. But y/n and Newt were right beside me holding me up. "Hey, buddy you okay there?" Gally asked. I nodded slowly.

Newt POV
I turned to look at y/n but she wasn't looking at Minho. She was glaring at Noah and had a very protective arm around Minho. Noah looked awkward but she looked as if she was ready to kill him. Then Thomas screamed, one of those creatures had grabbed his arm. But once he stumbled back the creature tried to reach him but couldn't, he was restrained by some kind of chain.

??? POV
"I see you've met our guard dogs"

................Time Skip..............

AU: Not a very long time skip I just wanted to end off on a "CliffHanger." Hope you guys are enjoying the story. Leave any suggestions in the comment section. 😂😊

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