Chapter 28

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Brooke POV
I had finally made my way down the mountain to see the kids lined up. I saw Ava reentering the burg. I could hear Gally running after me but I didn't turn back. It broke my heart to hear the pain in his voice. I approached Janson and he smiled. "Hi sweetheart, you did such a good job. I knew it was the right decision to put you in the field. After all, you and your cousin still have some catching up to do. Too bad we don't have time for that right now." He reached toward me and I flinched away but he pulled me into a hug. "Cousin?" I hear y/n yell. Everyone looked shocked and Gally came to a stop a couple feet away. "You're related to him. Not only did you betray us but you did it for him." Gally looked defeated and disappointed.

Janson POV
I looked between this kid and Brooke. Had she fallen for this oaf? "Gally you seem to have something going on with my niece and so I am prepared to offer you a deal. Join our side and you can continue to date, my lovely niece. See I didn't offer this to Newt because I don't like that boy but I have a feeling we could get along. So this is your chance boy."

Newt POV
I didn't need that Kluckhead to like me. In fact, I hope he hates me. I don't need his approval. I'm already dating his daughter... who doesn't even recognize him as her dad. So dear old dad can go and shuck himself.

Gally POV
I looked into Brooke's pleading eyes and almost laughed. "They were all right about you. I fought for you, for you to be trusted. They all wanted to leave you back at the place but no I wanted you there. I believed that you actually had the same ideals as us. But boy was I wrong, not only did you betray me, but my friends. So no, you can take your offer and shove it up your ass." I heard the entire group break out into laughter. But soon enough I was shoved down to the ground and into line. "Hey, are you gonna be okay?" I turned the see y/n to the right of me. I chuckled and nodded. "Guess I just have a bad judge of character. First Bruce and now Brooke. I'm 2 for 2, I should get a prize." y/n smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. She knew I was having a rough time. Even saying nothing I knew she understood.

Thomas POV
I was getting bored. I stood up, "I'm getting kind of bored of all this family reunion stuff. So if y'all don't mind." I pulled out the bomb and walked forwards holding the bomb for all to see. Ratman instantly tensed up and the guards backed up. I could hear my friends yelling at me.

y/n POV
"Fuck the slimy old man." Wow, I was getting the hang of these swear words. Soon enough I'd be a master at the art of cussing. I looked over to Newt and nodded, a tear sliding down my face. I grabbed ahold of Gally's hand and prepared for what was to come.

Newt POV
"We're here for you Tommy." I turned and made eye contact with y/n, a tear rolling down her face. This was the end and I was glad to have had the pleasure of being with her.

Minho POV
"Until the very end." This was it, it didn't seem like it. But I was the people that meant most to me, so I knew I was going to be okay. I hope the explosion is cool at least.

Fry POV      
"Make it go boom." I looked around and sighed. I closed my eyes and I was back at the glade with everyone around the bonfire. I was at peace.

Gally POV
"There is no going back now." I squeezed y/n's hand. Of course, this is how we all go out. Go big or go home I guess.

Thomas POV
Just as I had set up the bomb and was about to push the button. A truck came shooting out of the wreckage and ran straight into a helicopter. I threw the bomb at a group of guards and pushed the button. And the fight began once again.

                  ................Time Skip..............

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