Chapter 23

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y/n POV
We found Thomas and Brenda, they both looked shaken up. We entered the party in search of this Marcus guy the old man knew. We had come to an agreement, we don't kill them and they don't kill us. Basically, we were allied now and this Right Arm search was for everyone. We had to set boundaries, but I'd say we were on the same page... at least now.

Newt POV
Upon entering this building we ended up being split into different, smaller groups. It's not like we had a choice there were a lot of drunk kids and navigating them as a big group wasn't an option. I turned and saw Minho and Fry, but where was y/n?

y/n POV
I got pushed towards the center of the huge group. I looked around and I couldn't see Newt. Where was he? I looked to my right and saw Aris and Noah. I guess everyone had been separated. I turned to Aris. "Does anyone actually know what this guy looks like?" Aris paused and shook his head. "So we don't even know what we are looking for, great, just great." We continued to walk until we reached the end of the group of drunk teens. Welp, there wasn't much we could do. "So Noah, what's your game plan." He whipped his head in my direction and turned white. "Uhhh, what do you mean." I looked at him with concern. "Oh my god, Noah you're so pale. Are you okay?" I reached up to touch his cheek and the colour seemed to return to his face. "I mean, what happens when we find the right arm? I was trying to get to know you," I laughed. Noah seemed to relax. I wonder why he was so tense? "Well, I planned to stay with the group mostly. Seeing as most of the people from my maze were taken to the "safe haven." You guys are the only people I know. Plus what else am I going to do? Go off on my own, no thank you." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Plus y/n what would you do without me. I'm the life of the party." I rolled my eyes, "oh yea sure. It would be the end of the world if you left. I don't know how I would survive." I fake swooned and laughed.

Aris POV
I don't think y/n was aware that Noah was trying to flirt with her. I could hear her voice laced with sarcasm because I knew she was joking. But I'm not sure if Noah took it that way or frankly cared. He just stared at her, I swear I could see hearts forming around his head. Like I get it sure, but the dude is lovestruck. I'd warn him but I'm gonna be honest, I found this really funny. And it will prove to be a great laugh with the other guys. Oh, I wonder if we could start a bet. How long will y/n be clueless or how long until Noah confesses his feelings or better yet how long until Newt kills Noah. This was going to be great.

Thomas POV
I was in a group with Brenda and Jorge and I'm not gonna lie Jorge scared me. I may have been checking Brenda out and he caught me. He has been sanding in between us ever since and I am scared for my life. Thankfully it was now my job to go and find the others.

Brooke POV
I was walking hand and hand with Gally when it happened. Something lunged at us and I let go of his hand and shoved him out of the way. Turns out it was one of those creatures but he was on a chain. He never would have harmed us. But I was ready to sacrifice my own life for Gally's, what does that say about me. I needed to do some thinking. I wasn't sure what I was doing was right but on the other hand, I didn't have a choice.

Gally POV
Oh my god, Brooke just technically saved my life. I lifted her up, spun her and gave her a big fat kiss. She blushed and looked shocked. We didn't have time to talk about what had just happened because Thomas ran up and practically dragged us with him.

Brooke POV
I felt something; what was happening...

                   ................Time Skip..............

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