Chapter 3

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y/n POV
I awoke in the same room expecting to be alone. Instead, I woke up to a blonde standing over me. I had to stifle a scream so instead, I punched her in the throat. Her hands went straight up and she started choking, I took this opportunity to swing out of bed and knock her to the floor. I stood at her feet not wanting to give her the advantage. "Who are you and why are you in my room," I questioned her cautiously. She giggles "well I'm Brooke, your new roommate," she pauses to stand up "and possibly a new friend?" "Hi, I'm y/n," I cautiously extended my hand. She took it with much enthusiasm. I'm not sure if I trust Brooke yet. She seemed too eager to become my friend to have good intentions. In this place with new and possibly dangerous people, one should be cautious and not super gung ho to put themselves out there.

I was on a mission... to find y/n. It was already like 10 am and she still was nowhere to be seen. I came around the corner and smack. Someone ran right into my chest, "what in tarnation?" I began but when they backed away it turned out to be   y/n. "Fry," she screamed and practically jumped on me wrapping her arms around me. "How are you, where is everyone?" she questioned. I opened my mouth to speak but another girl walked around the corner and y/n eyes gave me the look of don't say anything. "Hi, I'm Brooke," she stood by y/n's side like her life depending on it. "Well anyway some of us were looking for y/n, so if you don't mind. We're going to take off," I spoke directly to Brooke. I nodded to y/n and turned around starting towards the cafeteria area but Brooke was following us. Does that girl not get the hint that we wanted to talk alone. We entered the cafeteria and y/n turned around "so Brooke this is where we part." y/n stated. "Oh, but I want to meet all your friends," Brooke started excitedly bounced up and down. What was wrong with this girl? y/n just smiled, nodded at me to go to the table and pulled Brooke aside.

y/n POV
Brooke is a bit too much at times. I don't know her past but it seems like she doesn't have many friends so long as she doesn't cause trouble. I might as well try to give her a chance. "So what's up with you?" I asked. She looked like she knew exactly what I meant. "My parents died when I was young, so my uncle raised me. He was always focused on his work when I would ask him for advice on making friends. His response every time was don't be yourself, just fit in. It was never great advice but I was all I had. I'm sorry I came on strong, give me another chance?" She replied. I wasn't sure if I fully believe or trust her but I was willing to try. I would have to keep my eye out though. "Okay I guess," I just kinda sighed and turned to walk towards the table.

Brooke POV
I can't believe she bought that fake sob story. Part of it was true, this is my uncle's fault. He's the one who said to be super nice. He knows nothing, I'll have to play this a lot safer.

               ................Time Skip..............

AU: It's not a super long time skip it's like a couple minute time ship. I just needed to close the chapter. Lol 😂

It's all a testTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang