Chapter 20

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y/n POV
This short-haired brunette walked over to us. I liked her, I didn't trust her yet, but I could sense I liked her. She looked the group up and down, her eyes lingering on Thomas. "You guys look like shit. Come on, follow me, Jorge wants to speak with you." She turned around and began to walk away, just expecting us to follow. Nobody moved an inch. "Unless you want to stay here?" She turned rolled her eyes and kept on walking. I stepped forward but Newt held me back. I could see him pleading with me to stay. "It stinks like death in here and Minho was just struck by lightning. Can we avoid death for a little longer?" Aris laughed and took a step forward as well. Soon the others followed and we caught up to the brunette.

??? POV
I don't know why Jorge didn't just let me kick these kids out. What's so special about them? He was just probably curious. We haven't had anyone new arrive in a really long time.

Jorge POV
Why wouldn't this damn radio work? I slammed my hands down on the table. I heard Brenda enter with the kids. I spun around and smiled. "Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" I was answered with silence. "Don't all answer at once." I eyed down each kid trying to figure out who would give me the information I needed.

y/n POV
Thomas opened his big mouth. "The mountains. We hope to find the Right Arm." The man laughed, "You mean ghosts." Next thing I knew the girl was grabbing Thomas's neck and pointing something at his neck. I grabbed one of the guy's guns and pointed it at the girl's head. "Sorry sweetie, but you've overstepped. Now respectively shuck off." I felt a hand on my arm. I looked around and saw others with their guns pointed at me. The arm belonged to Noah and he was shaking his head. While I was looking at Noah I didn't see one of the men making his way over to me. The next thing I knew he had a fist full of my hair and the gun was on the floor. I could feel the tears run down my face as he pulled harder.

Newt POV
I didn't know how to help her. This was all Noah's fault. If he hadn't interfered she wouldn't be in this position.

Jorge POV
This had gone on long enough. "That is enough. Thank you, but that is no longer necessary. Seems she was protecting her own. Just as we, don't we boys. Now Brenda what does it say?"

y/n POV
It burned and I could feel my legs start to give out. Just as I felt darkness closing in the pain stopped. The man had let go. Fry took a step toward me and I leaned on him for support.

Brenda POV
Unbelievable. "They're tagged." Jorge's face dropped. "Sorry Hermano. But that means you're from WCKD and property of WCKD is very valuable." I looked at Jorge and he nodded. Time to get to work.

                    ................Time Skip..............

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