Chapter 29

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Vince POV
I made it back to the truck and reloaded. I was hitting them right and left. This was for Mary, those bastards took her from me and they were going to pay for it. "Ahhhhhh." I screamed as the shells hit the floor of the trunk.
y/n POV
I had a stun gun and was aiming it at Ratman. But the guards started swarming him and I didn't have a clean shot. Soon I ran out of ammo and ran for cover. I was met with Minho behind a crate. "Hey, how's it going?" He chuckled, "oh you know. Beating the crap out of some klunkheads. Normal everyday stuff." I grabbed a gun off the ground and stood up taking a shot and laughing. "Oh of course." We both took a couple more shots but ran out of ammo and the guards kept coming closer. We tried to run back but Minho was hit and he tense up and fell. "Minho," I screamed. I ran for him but Gally grabbed on to me. He was dragging me backwards away from Minho. Minho was being dragged back to the burg. I couldn't leave him like this. "Minho," I screamed tears pouring out of my eyes. I was fighting to get out of Gally's grip.

Gally POV
I was struggling to keep y/n in my arms. For every two steps I made back, she fought up one. I could see the guards closing in on both sides but y/n refused to stop fighting. I could see one of the stun guns being fired up and I spun and shoved y/n back. Ugh, I had trouble breathing and then everything went dark.

Jorge POV
I saw Gally get hit square in the chest. y/n kept on fighting but I knew she would get taken if she kept going. Losing Minho and Gally would make her weak and I did what I thought was right. I ran up behind her and hit her with the back of my gun. She passed out and I dragged her back to the truck where it was safest.

y/n POV
I stumbled on the ground and when I looked up Gally was twitching on the ground. I saw him struggling to breathe. I started freaking out. That was two of my friends taken away from me. My breaths quickened as I stood up, my eyes struggling to focus. I fired my gun and then everything went black.

Brooke POV
I was waiting patiently for the surgery to be finished. The stun gun had impacted one of Gall's lungs and they had to remove it. Uncle Jason didn't know that I had ordered the surgery and I was ready to deal with the consequences. The doctor came out and informed me that everything was going to be fine. I was over the moon. I ran over to the recovery room and found Janson already in the room. "Seriously, Brooke. Surgery? Wasting our supplies on a traitor." He shook his head in disappointment. "When he wakes him up take him outside and put a bullet in his brain. You need to learn your lesson young lady. And don't think you can run from me. He strutted out of the room like he knew he had won.

Gally POV
I felt weird and fuzzy. I woke up to see Brooke standing over me. I flinched back and I could see her lean back. "Where..." I murmured.

Janson POV
"Ah, I see someone is finally awake. It was nice of you to drop by, but you must be going. Brooke, you know what to do." I saw her hesitate, "Brooke," I yelled. She jumped and helped Gally out of bed. He stumbled but eventually got his feet under him. We reached outside and I handed Brooke a gun. "Don't be long. We have plans later." I nodded and then went back inside. I couldn't bother to see the boy shot and there would be no mess to clean up. The cranks would find his remains.

Gally POV
Brooke had a gun. This was it and I was too high to do anything about it. I closed my eyes and waited. I heard the shot go off but I didn't feel anything. I stared back at a crying Brooke. She smiled at me.

Brooke POV
"Run," I mouthed at him and Gally hobbled off into the distance. I fired the gun a few more times just to be sure. I whipped the tears from my face and headed back to the compound. I had finally realized it, I loved him.

Janson POV
I heard the gunshots and that was enough. I made my way back to the labs to prep for the arriving children.

                   ................Time Skip..............

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